The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Trump can blanket pardon everyone who was there for all crimes they may have committed, he doesn’t need names to make it happen. There’s nothing anybody can do if he signs that pardon 1 minute before Biden is sworn in as potus.

most of the trump signage i see on my commute has been taken down. one house still has trump stuff, but their hero next door neighbor has kept their biden signage up as well lol

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He forgot to add “white house communications” to the list.

Man I just rebinged this over the last couple of weeks and it seemed move for move the same path trump went down.

it’s SHERWIN* time!

Glad to see charges going out to a lot of people. I think, like most of you, there was likely a split in the group between people there for the civil war and grandmothers there to see Trump speech and “witness history”. But, that meme was posted was pretty succinct: if you look around and your side is wearing or openly praising Nazi stuff, you’re probably on the wrong side and should leave.

Additionally, I think cuse or chads posted something about “how to prepare to attend a BLM protest” and part of it was “don’t bring your fucking cell phone, or if you do, turn off location data”. These right ring naziss are fucking dumb and should take some lessons from BLM or, god forbid, Antifa!


What dimension of chess is this?


They’ve got cel phone data on everyone who was in the building. Also bluetooth and wifi pings can target where people were within a few yards (from what I read).

File under “no shit, Sherman

article depicts this new guy as a total trump slappy. but apparently, somewhat competent and not a Lin Wood type at least.

Had to take a look myself. TY for mentioning it.

Seems reassuring, it looks like they are taking a come at the king you best not miss approach.

I still can’t believe anyone who claims they didn’t know the January 6th was going to turn into a riot at the capitol. Trump supporters have always been violent. Just like they were when he called them to DC on November 14h. Just like they’ve been violent since day fucking one all the way back in 2015.

Every single employee in our government, law enforcement, and media who said they couldn’t see this coming needs to have Robert De Niro deliver them the line “If you didn’t know this was going to happen you’re too fucking dumb to keep this job, if you did know, you were in on it. Either way, you’re out!”




Shouldn’t that be Sherlock?


Wow what a profile in courage.


I was just about to cancel my subscription!