The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Remember when mostly everyone thought it was going to be so nice to get past the election and back to normal?


Yeah, this shouldn’t be a debate. There’s a pretty clear difference between a news agency reporting news and a fairly-obvious psychopath - supposedly under attack herself - live-tweeting the location of her political enemies. The motives and anticipated outcomes are miles apart even if the actions aren’t.



Why is Jim Jordan on my TV when I flip over to CSPAN?

What’s the agenda today?

25A vote in the house?
Unanimous consent on impeachment turned down then vote tomorrow on actual impeachment?

Any votes so far today?

Trump at wall. Unironic music: “Fortunate Son”


Nixon did cruise to reelection winning 49 states, that’s what made Watergate so incredibly stupid. He was never behind in polling and was always on his way to a nice easy reelection but his paranoia made him decide that breaking into the DNC headquarters was a good idea.


My spidey-sense is twitching on the 2nd one.


Read this seemingly good and clear article earlier about the various charges that are getting bandied about, their history of usage and what it specifically takes to be guilty of them.

E.g. Sedition

Today, the U.S. criminal code defines sedition as part of a broad category that includes treason. The actual crime is called “seditious conspiracy.” This involves using—or planning to use—physical force against the U.S. government, as well as efforts to “seize, take, or possess” government property, or “delay the execution of any law of the United States” by force. The punishment can be up to 20 years in prison.

This law has been used in recent years to prosecute right-wing militia members like the Hutaree, a Michigan-based group that sought to kill police before they were arrested by the FBI in 2010.


Chances he talks about The Alamo?

Seems like a serious case of telling on yourself when you say you’re using the final week to tout your amazing accomplishments over 4 years and the best you have is like 10 miles of fence that got built.

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What’s up with all these MAGA chuds being married to doctors?

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AD from FBI: 160 case files opened
100,000 tips received
Please turn yourselves in

Yeah the “open about my POLITICAL opinions” feels more like a troll

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The lone remaining Trumper house in my neighborhood has officially cancelled Pence.


Emasculated losers. I lived next to one of these guys once, tons of guns, police washout, absolute psycho.

160+ case files so far, that number will grow

This is moderately reassuring - he specifically mentioned felony murder


Can’t be a coincidence that Trump’s first remarks and the first FBI/DoJ briefing post-terrorist attack are happening at the exact same time.

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FBI guy says more charges are coming, they only charged the most simple, obvious things first in most cases. “This is only the beginning.”

Major felonies presented to the grand jury all day yesterday.