The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

And anyone around since the inception has to have a lot of enemies.

Latest heritagenothate update. Pelosi in prison per below


Also CNN didn’t report where he was prior to this.

Big difference between " We’re in the chamber of commerce come get us. Shit nvm Pelosi just left. "

And " Pence has been evacuated "

If you’ve ever watched any mass shooting events you repeatedly see networks, police etc say to never reveal positions during a threat because it can give the attackers information on where to go. You shouldn’t even need to be told by security forces.

The Independent hyperbolic?

I don’t think the orders of a security guard/cop in Congress change whether a statement is seditious, and I think it’s irresponsible how everyone on the left has been labeling things as “sedition” for weeks now. Objecting to the certification of electors isn’t sedition, and neither is this tweet.

We can criticize things without mischaracterizing them to make our criticism sound more legitimate.

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Your brother is mentally ill


There is no difference between her saying “we are locked in chambers” followed by “Pelosi has left” and CNN saying “Mike Pence and members of the Senate are in chambers” followed by “Pence has been evacuated”. They are literally the same thing and convey the same information.

Wait CNN revealed they were in the chambers of commerce? I didn’t see that reported. Just that they said he was evacuated


in his defense he didn’t say shes in prison, just more like “hmm wonder where she is, why would she do that, also wheres hunter? wheres hillary?”

but yea obv needs help

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Maybe but even then out-of-state voters might be affected by the decision of state office holders.

House Chambers, not chambers of commerce. He was on TV in the Senate chambers, there was live video as they were locking the doors and such. It was being reported live (or close to it) as members of both houses were a.) locked in their respective chambers, and b.) evacuated from those chambers.

What time did those statements get made? How current was the news? You can definitely say that someone communicating target positions in real time to a mob trying to overthrow the government is seditious while the same information being given after the VP is in a secure location isn’t.

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I am still in favor of a collective of bots for her, AOC, and Rashida in the same thread.



I’d be okay with that. Is this what unity looks like?


I need a source that they did it live or close to it because that sounds insanely irresponsible and would surprise me, but if they did it they super fucked up. Because during live shooter attacks CNN itself constantly says not to reveal locations.

Yeah sedition here is hyperbole, but saying it was malicious and dangerous is super fair and more than enough to call for her to be expelled from congress. It’d never happen but it should.

CNN shouldn’t have to be told either though, and if they did that shit live they should be held accountable too because they know better and they were putting people in danger.