The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Nixon at least respected the office enough to resign (or at least that’s how he portrayed it)

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He resigned because conviction was a strong possibility. He had no respect for office.

Nixon was a fucking lowlife. If he was in power during the clusterfuck of the 21st century god only knows how bad he’d have been. He was already considering repealing w/e Amendment it is that limits the president’s term to two.

Based on the strength of the evidence presented and the bipartisan support for the articles in committee, House leaders of both political parties concluded that Nixon’s impeachment by the full House was a certainty if it reached the House floor for a final vote, and that his conviction in a Senate trial was a distinct possibility.


Trump has always reminded me off the gangsters son & in particular one from my city who didn’t survive because he wrote out a list of targets the length of his arm, but his dad died of old age because he was as tough as steel.

Now this gangster had all Trumps traits except the important one, his facial expressions give the impression he’s not dangerous.

That’s his most important feature and has been seen in this very forum by most all posters at one time, when peeps used to say, but yeah, “He not that bright and can be likable” there saying to others who listen “Well, he’s not dangerous”

Someone with better writing skills than me will hopefully make my point better, but up until he committed the treason, most here were willing to just be free of him, again announcing to the peeps listening that we’ll he can’t be that dangerous then.

Be aware of people who have trumps demeanor, they have a pull to humans that say, its alright, come on in.


I think most of Trump’s “street smarts” doesn’t come from actual smarts, but rather the fact that he has no scruples, no conscience. He just doesn’t give a fuck about anyone or anything but himself and doesn’t care what he says. He will say and do anything until he wins. That’s very difficult for anyone to handle. It’s like trying to defeat kamikaze pilots.

And on top of it, he has had money and power all of his life, so he can get away with being a horrible person.


Seems bad


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I can’t really make a super strong case for it but I suspect the things that make trump so effective and dangerous are also traits that a shrewd and crafty politician like nixon would never have - I think the next person we should fear someone who puts on whatever act trump is doing, but is as shrewd and without scruples as a Nixon.

I can’t really nail down those qualities, but it seems like the exact reason trump is so popular with his base is because he so much does not have anything in common with politicians like Nixon.

Yeah… this is the right take. Trump is the 3rd generation scion of a real estate empire that was created in an era where that industry was absolutely rotted to the core with organized crime. Trump was well known and well liked by Sam Gravano (a high ranking mafioso turned rat who brought down John Gotti, who greatly resembled Trump himself) which is just one of many examples of Trump hanging out with gangsters his entire life.

I totally agree that Trump has this ‘this dude’s a clown’ thing about him that is very disarming and has caused a lot of people to turn themselves into pretzels in the hope that he’ll be a good boy this next time. You can see idiots doing it still.

Trump is a perfect example of the 3rd-4th generation of a criminal syndicate where nobody has ever been poor or had to actually operate and they go soft. Usually they then get pushed out by the new syndicate made up of newer men.

I think this is probably a pretty accurate story is what I’m saying: Tinker, Tailor, Mobster, Trump - PREVAIL by Greg Olear

Yeah we made that guy president.


My point with Nixon is that Trump had an idea of how to navigate the Mueller probe based on how Nixon fucked up. Almost certainly that was due to his lawyers and people around him telling him what to do, but it doesn’t really matter.

And yeah Trump is a moron and is mostly incompetent, but liberals generally underestimate him when it comes to protecting himself and his family.

Yeah ok, he was far more cunning and intelligent and therefore more strategically dangerous than Trump who’s basically defined by his enormous privilege and narcissism but who bizarrely shares a lot of traits with his base (unlike Nixon).

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I had a coworker who was super trumpy and firmly believed (and would fervently argue about it if challenged) that trump has a 170 IQ.

I find that unfathomable but I do think he has a certain type of intelligence, like others have said. I dont think he is quite as dumb as he comes off, and I think he plays it up a little bit.

Frequently throughout my life people have thought I am dumber than I really am, and I learned a long time ago that this is actually very advantageous. People expect less of you and consider you less of a threat, which are all really desirable things to have if you are a lifelong con artist like Trump.




I also think it’s very easy to become blinded to someone’s actual strengths and (less so) weaknesses if they’re as contemptible and easy to hate as Trump.


Was it sedition when CNN reported Pence had been evacuated from the Senate floor?

Dude can’t spell nor multiply 17x6 in his head

Legit moron.


it’s lunch time. Although S & W overrated imho.

I always take this site with a grain of salt FWIW. They seem to always be on the hyperbolic end.

Was CNN specifically told not to by security forces?

And was CNN just reporting what they were told by a spokesperson?