The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

He instinctively knows how to communicate with his followers, how to rile people up and how to prey on people’s fears and greed. That’s streetwise.

He’s a failed conman in the business world because he’s dealing with people much smarter than him.

And of course by any normal measure of intelligence he’s a total moron.

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wont get too much of an argument there. But state offices?


I guess you’re right. He is a master at publicity, changing the conversation, and devising strategies as opportunities/problems come up (like knee capping the post office)… He just seems too impulsive (to me) for a long term strategy tho. But one thing’s for sure. It’s dangerous to underestimate the opposition, so I probably should assume he knows what he’s doing

It’s his followers (which he still needs) that get me. Of the ~75M people who just voted for him, what percent would you estimate truly believe the election was stolen and are still behind these desperate attempts? I’m hoping it’s in the tens of thousands and not millions

And I know I’ll get slammed for this, but as much as I can’t stand McConnell, Graham, Republican judges, and state attorneys, governors, etc., I can’t help but have a modicum of gratitude that they held to their oaths when it mattered. Yeah, I know. Don’t praise people for doing their jobs, but god damn… They were under tremendous pressure and threat not only from Trump’s base, but the most powerful person on earth to go along with it and they refused. I gotta tip my hat to them regardless of how I feel about them otherwise

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This is straight up sedition.


they’re probably sitting right next to Pee-Wee Herman’s bike!

Apologies as always being so far behind.

Ivanka was planning on going after Rubio and Jr. Gaetz?

I don’t know how to feel about any of that

Take the moment to open the eyes of the non-political. It should not be eye-opening, but I’m guessing that it is to many.

I think people are failing to differentiate “planning” from learned behaviors, which causes a dissonance. Its hard to imagine Donnie Dumb Dumb “planning” an elaborate scheme in the manner of a fictional super villain because he doesn’t behave like a fictional super villain (a cool, deliberate, behind the scenes mastermind). However hes got 70+ years of practice at being a narcissist and capitalizing on the inability of most people to properly deal with malignant narcissists. It doesn’t require planning for him any more than breathing requires planning from us. Its second nature.


No, that’s being a selfish rightwing idiot. That a nation full of greedy idiots loves his shtick doesn’t make him smart.


It seems like he did a pretty competent job of shutting down and covering up the Mueller stuff. He obv needs competent actors like Bill Barr around him to execute that stuff, but I reject the idea that he never plans anything and is always just winging it.

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Late to the conversation, but unless you’re also talking about getting corporate money (who donate across all states), I disagree. I’ve been donating to out of state races for over a year now. I much prefer this to corporate money.

Our entire election system needs to be fixed. There should be a much smaller limit on how much contribution money each campaign can take in. And definitely a much shorter time cycle for campaigning in general. We’re at a point where politicians spend more time campaigning than at the jobs they were elected to carry out

Most people know plenty of selfish right-wing idiots who can’t manipulate people, so that doesn’t cover it.

Why is Schumer doing a press conference on the sidewalk in front of Smith & Wollensky?

What? No. They caught him red-handed doing crimes because he believed AM radio derp about Hillary’s emails. He survived because Senate Republicans were never going to eject him under any circumstance.

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What’s this wackadoo yelling about?

Something about Hitler being a socialist. This is why you don’t have press conferences in the middle of the sidewalk.


I mean Nixon couldn’t figure out that firing everyone on the same day is bad. Trump managed to fire Sessions and install multiple new AGs then also blunt the impact of the report with Barr’s memo while also controlling/limiting the scope of the investigation itself.

And while doing all that Trump was pumping his base with counter-narratives so half the country would be on his side anyway. It’s not rocket science but Trump does appear capable of executing basic plans.

lol they did not operate in remotely similar realities. Nixon had to operate in actual reality, with one set of facts everyone mostly agreed on, with nothing but mostly legit media. Fox and right wing media didn’t even exist. Trump operated in an era where there was the greatest and largest propaganda network in world history that would lie for him 24/7.

If Nixon had what Trump has he probably cruises to re-election.

I agree Trump certainly has some talents. He’s got the used carsalesmen thing going on, the ability to feel zero shame and lie endlessly, and to be rich while also being the base. But you’re giving him credit for things when he deserves none.