The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours


That article is dead on in terms of what actually happened, but does anyone truly believe Trump is smart enough or patient enough) to implement a long term strategy like that? I suppose it’s possible Jared or some other inner circle members saw an opportunity to put Trump’s charismatic bullying and extremely flawed character traits to use

I wish just once one of these dems would bring up Gyms protecting a pedo.

Any updates on Trump finding the proof of stolen votes that was hidden in the basement of the Alamo?


IMO Trump is a lot smarter and more calculating than we tend to think. Listen to his tapes with Woodward. At the very end Woodward tells him the book is gonna be bad and Trump is basically like, “Well that sucks. You got me. I’ll get you next time though you rascal.” and hangs up in completely cordial manner. Then an hour later proceeds to go completely ape shit on Woodward on twitter.

Obviously crippling the USPS before the election was planned, although it may not have been his idea.

Rudy was desperately trying to drag out the vote on certification. To what end? No way he thought he could actually win in normal circumstances. But if a Civil War is raging, maybe?

The replacements at the Pentagon and every single action they took leading up to this sure look just as planned as the USPS sabotage. Then look at Trump and Rudy’s language right beforehand. And Trump refusing to call for help or even tweet for people to stop.

It’s really hard to tell when they plan something and when they just got lucky. At the very least they wanted people to storm the Capitol to send a message. It goes downhill fast from there.

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Sorry, not trying to fanboi on her, but she keeps spitting fire and might need her own bot thread soon.



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The biggest tell is Barr’s resignation.

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Just spent 20 minutes looking for a version of the dog in a fire meme where he says “This is Antifa” to troll someone on facebook. Apparently this dosen’t exist? Could the internet be more worthless?



Yeah, I’ve been saying this. People constantly say Trump has no plan whatsoever for anything, but he very clearly has plans for things involving his own personal well-being and sometimes they’re decent plans. Obviously he’s a moron, but he’s pretty good at manipulating the media, keeping his base in line, keeping Republicans in line, staving off investigations, etc.


As long as Senators and Representatives from other states influence the laws in your state you should be able to donate to their or their challenger’s campaigns.

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Biden is going to have such a ridiculous mess to clean up.

Be the change you wish to see in the world


Yeah, people say he’s stupid because intellectually he’s extremely thick. But he has a streetwise kind of know how that counts as a form of intelligence I guess.

Does he, though?

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Trump is a moron absolutely imo. He’s a lot harder to get upset than is made out to be though. People talk about the raging, but there’s no way he goes Bobby Knight all the time if we haven’t seen it by now.

You can get a lot done through sheer force of will, I think that’s his only superpower. Guy is clearly dumb and what little intelligence he may have had has been rotted away through decades of cable news and zero intellectual curiosity.

Great thread on the timelines. Crazy that congress was still in session rioters were breaking through barricades, growing in number, and moving on the building. We could see what was happening from our computers. Everyone in security was in denial.