The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Just imagine what they went through, and now this…

It’s worth reading the history of the Alamo, just a total embarrassing shit show that America really ought to have quietly forgotten about. Some drunk idiot convinced a bunch of Texans to fight a completely pointless battle outnumbered 10:1 when they had plenty of time to evacuate. And he knew the USA wasn’t going to come to the rescue because the whole thing was a mess. Can we all just pretend that never happened.


god i wish jim jordan would eat a radioactive dick and die slow

eta: are yall watching this livestream rules committee meeting? fuck he got me riled


I very selectively deploy my rot in hells, and have no qualms about using one up here :)

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I’m currently ok boomering this woman who always has the spiciest takes from the depths of right wing media. She’s claiming that the dead cop from the fire extinguisher attack is a false flag and he’s actually fine, or something.

She’s also berating me for not caring about the REAL cops who died last year from ANTIFA TERRORIST ATTACKS

These people are irredeemable.

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Pompeo is the real villain this week. Trump just wants to do rallies and hand out medals to NFL coaches, this guy wants to hand the next admin a goddamn war with Iran.



I like it LOL

I just saw you were saying it to an occasionally controversial poaster and thought

“oh boy…”


“oh!!! Well carry on then” :+1:

They don’t even need to start a war now. Iran’s internal battle for power has swung pretty heavily away from Rouhani and the people who supported the nuclear deal. They’ve put everything in place to ensure that if Biden doesn’t agree quickly to a full reinstatement of the deal with no other conditions then Iran will effectively end the farce that is its continued ‘function’.

All Pompeo et al have to do is make that move by Biden difficult (if he even wants to take it), and there’s an air of inevitability about a dangerous escalation of rhetoric to who knows where. An escalation that he, Bolton and the whole anti-Iran lobby are there to play their part in.




My blood is boiling this morning at the thought of Bernie being put at risk to get COVID due to being on lock-down with MAGA idiots in congress who refused masks


I bet Trump expects to see The Alamo in Alamo, TX.


Good news about a war with Iran is that my prediction made when Trump was inaugurated would come true.

It’s not that one. Which is well worth a visit if you are ever in San Antonio.

My pony got shot at the Alamo or was it shivved with a Bowie knife. So long ago hard to remember.

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Lol people who think some cops are better because they wear suits.


Great speech from Rep. Norma Torres (D) California.

What better way to sabotage Biden’s administration than starting a fresh war in the Middle East right before he takes over?

Police reform in action


A situational information report approved for release the day before the U.S. Capitol riot painted a dire portrait of dangerous plans, including individuals sharing a map of the complex’s tunnels, and possible rally points for would-be conspirators to meet up in Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and South Carolina and head in groups to Washington.

“As of 5 January 2021, FBI Norfolk received information indicating calls for violence in response to ‘unlawful lockdowns’ to begin on 6 January 2021 in Washington. D.C.,” the document says. “An online thread discussed specific calls for violence to include stating ‘Be ready to fight. Congress needs to hear glass breaking, doors being kicked in, and blood from their BLM and Pantifa slave soldiers being spilled. Get violent. Stop calling this a march, or rally, or a protest. Go there ready for war. We get our President or we die. NOTHING else will achieve this goal.”

An FBI official familiar with the document said that within 45 minutes of learning about the alarming online conversation, the Norfolk FBI office wrote the report and shared it with others within the bureau. It was not immediately clear how many law enforcement agencies outside the FBI were told, but the information was briefed to FBI officials at the bureau’s Washington field office the day before the attack, this official said.

On Friday, the head of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, Steven D’Antuono, told reporters “there was no indication” of anything planned for the day of Trump’s rally “other than First Amendment-protected activity.” D’Antuono added, “we worked diligently with our partners on this.”

Additionally, in the days leading up to the demonstration, some Capitol Hill staffers were told by supervisors to not come into work that day, if possible, because it seemed the danger level would be higher than a lot of prior protests, according to a person familiar with the warning. Capitol Police did not take the kind of extra precautions, such as frozen zones and hardened barriers, that are typically used in major events around the Capitol.

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