The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Expert play would be for Trump to sign a 25th amendment letter making Pence acting president. If acting president Pence pardons Trump, he sits out the next week. If he doesn’t, he signs the letter saying he is returning to office and launches the nukes.

Nah, I don’t even think it gets to the Supreme Court at that point. He needs to be tried and convicted before it gets to the supreme court on a pardon/jeopardy ground.

Couldn’t Trump’s defense lawyer make a motion to dismiss saying the prosecution is moot?

Public furor over a self-pardoning case at the Supreme Court could give us the political basis for the impeachment of Clarence Thomas, which I would want to see even if Republicans balk at removing him.


he’s not wrong


lol, what Executive branch?

Fantastic takedown of Parler’s suit against Amazon. (I don’t know where to post things anymore - this thread seems like a catchall for all of [me gesticulating wildly] this.)


Yes, but the appeal only gets to the Supreme Court if the motion to dismiss is granted. If it’s denied at the trial court, it’s likely not getting to an appellate court until after a conviction.

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For the most part, politicians’ Twitter accounts are boring. They lack the off-the-cuff quality that is the principle pleasure of following a public figure on social media as opposed to in the news. Trump’s genius was to use Twitter the way ordinary people use social media: poorly. His typos, his regular indulgence in slander, his unthinking repetition of inaccurate news from obviously unreliable websites: these are precisely the problems official communications from public figures have historically sought to avoid.

By embracing them – by calling a journalist a dummy and his political opponents losers, by complaining about whatever was on TV and apparently not bothering to read it over before he hit send – Trump made his Twitter feed relatable in a way more calculated communicators never could.


The MAGA-morons on my baseball board are mad about being “cancelled”. I’ve had to remind them that being an asshole is not a right guaranteed by the Constitution. I’m glad the private sector is finally starting to do the right thing. I hope they ramp it up to “warp-speed”.

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I’ve been surprised lately to find out that it appears the Supreme Court can stick it’s nose in about anything whenever it feels like it. I don’t believe they have to wait for things to work through the system if they choose not to. (I can’t recall what it was that they chose to comment on, but something recently.)

That’s weird. When i buy a product and it works exacty as it said it would, i’m not returning it to the store.

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Rep. Brad Schneider is the third lawmaker to test positive for COVID-19 after bunkering during the Capitol invasion.


Seems weird that they wouldn’t resolve that question first, but whatever.



Courts do not like resolving questions they don’t have to.

If presidential self pardons hold up, the presidential machete could be quite the legislative tool.