The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours


The Church of Latter Day Complaints


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Democracy needs slicker marketing

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100%, not to keep going on about my bro but we talked about the iphone update thing and he was like “but i do have an update pending on my iphone, must be a coincidence…”


I’ve watched this 4 times. It is slick slick. Just top shelf propaganda. It’s like the trailer for the Avengers, but if you show up to this you don’t watch a movie, YOU GET TO BE AN AVENGER!

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remember that clip from a movie with comey arresting all the trmps? well the writers were way off. instead their fuhrer decided to send thousands to commit federal felonies, of which hundreds will become fall guys.

so what if 5 minutes before biden takes the oath, say like a sniper gets both him and kamala… i’m aware that means pelosi is going to be president, but then what?

she obviously doesn’t get 4 years (right?), so how do we decide who does? house/senate dems vote?

kinda feel like a doofus for not knowing, but then i started thinking that if I don’t know (i taught hs government for 6 years) then i bet a bunch of these whackos don’t and might think there’d just be another general election where both sides get to nominate who they want… yikes

Free iPhones for people organization.

Tell Q people that they are Obama phones and Trump is going to use them to track people and see what treason they are up to and they need to donate to help Trump regain the Presidency.


I’m fairly sure in that grim instance Pelosi gets 4 years.

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I‘d expect her to call for new elections immediately and not serve the full 4 years.

Why wouldn’t she get 4 years. She’s third in line.

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But Augusta National guaranteed employment to so many Black people!

how does the US constitution call for new elections?

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pretty sure there is no legal provision for this. i would think congress and the states would have to amend the constitution

I appreciate the brother updates over the next 10 days as he changes from one crazy theory to another.


Then they will amend the constitution. There would be calls from Republicans and Democrats to have a president elected by the people.

Weird times and all, but calling for new elections isn’t really something we do here. I’d expect her to serve if that’s what the Constitution calls for.

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that would not happen. it would be easier to wait 4 years for a new president, than to wait for ratification of a new amendment

They would have one, if it went to the SOS that’s when it’s no longer an elected official.