The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

The numbers were 230/2000 of the Capitol police force was on site? Couldn’t Sund at least have had the other 1770 members of his own force on standby?

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Not 1770, but he sure as shit could have gone to alpha/bravo staffing.


If only someone has sounded the alarm. If only there was any indication right wing nazis were increasingly unhinged and violent. I mean, you wouldnt know it from the diner safaris. Fuck you NYT, WSJ, WaPo, all of them. This shit has been plain as day for 4 years.


Yeah, I’m not saying I believe him. Just found it interesting that he’s claiming the opposite of what we’ve been hearing up until now.

Someone “inside the capitol” could also mean non cop political people. We already have heard 3 scumbags were in communication with the dude who started the Stop the steal rally.

What’s nuts is that this was being discussed on social media at least a week before it actually happened.

The government had time to prepare. No doubt there were people within the government (aside from Trump ldo) who wanted this to happen and likely made it happen, possibly people in high places.

This forum has no shortage of “I feel sorry for the dead QAnon Air Force lady” and “the cop didn’t need to shoot that nice looking nazi lady” posts. It’s absolutely fucking pathological.


Yes, I am not sure we are getting the correct story from anyone and probably never will. But at a MINIMUM, there should have been several hundred Capitol Police standing by at a moment’s notice once the size of the crowd became apparent. Of course, it would have been better to have just “over-staffed” for Wednesday FFS given that everyone knew there was a decent chance of violence.

At this point I think that several people were probably “in on it” (aka were told to not staff up). Maybe the Sergeant of Arms guy, maybe people in charge of deploying the National Guard, maybe people within the Capitol Police.

I hate to keep returning to this mental exercise, but if BLM had amassed an armed protest of many thousands marching towards the Capitol (announced far in advance), they would not have been met by the equivalent of 200 mall cops and a phalanx of bike racks.

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I don’t necessarily disbelieve him. It’s frequently a massive multipoint systemic fuck up when something like this happens. It’ll be Challenger Commission investigation x10 to figure this out.

Wonder if one was the cop who killed himslef.

Yeah I don’t know who exactly to blame but my point is that the blame here seems to me to lie on the Capitol somewhere. It’s not surprising that the Pentagon take a couple hours to mobilize the National Guard without prior warning that they might be needed. That’s why “putting the National Guard on standby” is a thing.

I think this is hindsight to an extent, like Sund says about that:

Sure, there were claims that alt-right instigators had discussed storming the building and targeting lawmakers. But Sund said such threats had surfaced in the past.

“You might see rhetoric on social media. We had seen that many times before,” he said. “People say a lot of things online.”

This is undeniably true. There’s constant chatter on right wing social media about patriots rising up, killing the DemonRats, the tree of liberty, all that stuff, and mostly they haven’t done shit. Certainly not on this scale. This is not to excuse the inadequate response but it’s like, I think the answer is going to end up being complicated. Not some vast conspiracy with several governmental agencies cooperating to unsecure the Capitol and not simple negligence either, like per that Clyburn comment it seems obvious the Trumpists had allies within law enforcement. It can and will be both.

This guy has been trying to tell them for 5 years now.


How insane are these people?

This was posted 3 days AFTER the Capitol riot.

You may recognize her as either:

  • Fox News Contributor Rachel Campos-Duffy
  • Cast member on Real World: San Francisco
  • Wife of former congressman Sean Duffy (R-WI) (who was also a cast member on Real World: Boston)

This is an ostensibly normal conservative!


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why did they not go off?

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Bombs exploding would have brought in many more Law Enforcement?

To the bomb locations. But not to where Congress was hiding.


Do you know if there was organization among the left to not do anything to counter this?

Infuriating read.

EDIT: I believe the one at :55 isn’t from the Capitol storming