The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Why did you expect differently?


She seems to have taken that down?

Where’s that indecision meme with the two buttons, “Report” and “Heart”?

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Serious question… Why aren’t they (and Hawley) in jail? Two are citizens and none are the president. They all participated in inciting an insurrection. If it’s a high enough crime for Trump to be impeached, how is it not high enough for these 3 to be arrested buy now?

They objected to the electoral college votes, as is permitted in the constitution. They did it for completely cynical reasons, which they’re properly being dragged for. But it’s not a crime.


Definitely a good thing. Its the coalition of the crazies and the rich that puts fascism in power.

Im not certain the rich are fully done with nazis yet, but defo a good thing if they were.

GOAT @BestOf


Well here’s male #1. Wait Riverman already posted this wtf? Anyway for those who missed it like me.

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My true answer is 0.51% as don’t think it’s impossible, especially since he will never stop criming. But rounded down to 0% as feel that more accurately captures the sentiment than 1-24%.

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maybe someone will find $11,780 for him


I mean, I expected more than “entering a restricted area.”

They have still arrested less than 100 people total. Nationwide. Indefensible.


Has anyone told Meghan that the further we go away from John’s death, the less relevant she becomes?


But did he lose his position with The Lollipop Guild?

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a private company hacking the president and his inner circle so completely that they’d be reacting to a fabricated reality sounds like a great black mirror episode


Ahh the good ole ‘I was carrying the gun during a robbery to give it to the police’ defense. Seems like a classy guy who totally did nothing wrong.

I disagree. There are people who voted for Trump and the crazies (which can further be divided into different groups, some of which I believe are truly dangerous)

But the average Doe who voted for Trump are NOT going to be going into any dark corners of the internet to see what the latest conspiracy is. His megaphone is many orders of magnitude smaller without the major social media platforms

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You gotta think strategically. They want the rubes to flip and ID the ones that planned this.

Yeah I don’t see it either. I saw it and thought it was real, and it still may have been and she deleted it, but for the sake of argument say it’s real, what the fuck could she be upset about? She called for him to be impeached/removed/25th’d, but she’s mad they banned him from twitter?

Ok after reading this I’m a little less worried about the zip tie handcuff guys. #1 is this guy who claims to have seen them lying on the ground. #2 was the guy with his mommy. A bag full of zip tie handcuffs was found, which was identified as belonging to the capitol police. And in that one video where everyone is peacefully filing out, there’s one hanging off a door knob. So I guess they were everywhere.

I dunno - now I’m like 50/50 capture and kill team vs. 100% selfie morons. Makes me feel better I guess.

If someone tells me any of these guys are ex-Blackwater I bump it way back up.

Giilliani specifically said, “let’s have trial by combat”. That’s more than objecting to electoral college votes. That’s inciting mob violence and insurrection, which I’m pretty sure is a crime?