The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Honestly, nonzero chance there were foreign intelligence agents in that crowd who just made off with a lot of sensitive state secrets.


Also bullshit

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Nancy Pelosi: “This morning, I spoke to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike.”

Let’s go ahead and wait until middle of next week to impeach. This is what pisses me off, what is the point of this statement? Just full of shit. Your scared he might launch nukes but won’t actually do a damn thing to get him out of office.


That book would 110% be grievance about how Conservatives are unfairly silenced on social media, MUH FREEZE PEACH, etc.

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Yeah, I wasn’t posting that to show how certain people were wrong, just posting it as a “This is what we thought back then.”

Wasn’t intended as a football spike.

I strenuously object. Mitt is also a piece of shit. Maybe a small piece of shit. Maybe a less foul-smelling piece of shit. But he is still a piece of shit. Do not forget that.

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What a great system we have where there needs to be a soft coup to prevent an insane president from going off the edge

Man, I don’t know, I don’t expect any of them to do the right thing ever, but at the same time, the leopards just ate all their fucking faces. I watched on tv while they had to hide under their fucking chairs during an armed insurrection. I believe there could be the votes.

Maybe the play is for Republicans try to whitewash their image by convicting Trump at the last minute. idk, I’m not betting on that but anything is possible.


Good morning. Friday morning.

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It doesn’t matter if they have the votes or don’t have the votes. Impeachment is the correct thing to do. It is their duty. This is not even fucking debatable.

If Senators don’t vote to convict, then that is regrettable. I don’t think their failure to convict benefits Trump enough to outweigh the downside of not doing it + the EV of Senate actually coming through.

But what the Senate may or may not do is irrelevant, imo.



Just fucking lol at the social media companies and extremist forums waiting until the last two weeks to start putting bans on Trump. Like we’re supposed to forget that they empowered him all along.


This post was from last night, so maybe I shouldn’t respond but…

This isn’t true at all, right? Isn’t the “core function” fucking shit up in other countries? In fact, there are “norms” and actual laws against using “us armed forces” within the country.

This is trivially obvious to me, but you’re a lawyer. What am I missing?

lol yea totally we would convict guys really but sadly just not enough time, what can you do except take us at our word and treat us as normal again right?

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Is that the guy that died?

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It’s pretty standard for the National Guard to be used for riots, but they need state permission to show up. Not sure how that works for federal buildings.

But really, a gang of angry boomers is the sort of thing the local cops and capitol police are supposed to be able to handle.