The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

That photoshop just won him the 2024 nom.


Armed forces can’t be used for law enforcement functions. That doesn’t apply to the national guard, and in any event, this was an armed invasion of the fucking capitol. It stopped being a law enforcement function at that point.

Great some grifter wanted to get a good story and is now going on news networks to spread his story, he will obviously be used to prove the BLM/antifa story

“We would totally do the right thing, please believe me despite me literally never doing the right thing ever, but, uh, not enough time to do it (this makes absolutely no sense).”

Fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuu

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I hope L Graham has to drink semen and spit laced coffee for the rest of his life.


Deterrence against a vengeful Trump means it’s the first time in my life I’ve ever been glad that the UK has nuclear weapons.

You should be like Keeed and just double down. Much disappoint


An actual “armed invasion” where like China sends in their armed forces would be one thing. Stopping some shirtless doofus with a viking helmet breaking and entering is not what the US Army is supposed to be used for.

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Thank you for collecting relevant posts into a historical narrative.

I understand the salience of this event may have made turning this into a concise narrative a lot easier than usual, but I’d love to see more of these from anyone. We all shift or grow or stay the same more often than we realize.

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They only doing it because the Dems now have all 3 branches. They worried they will be investigated.

We really need to stop portraying what happened two days ago like this, because that is not what happened. These were armed insurrectionists who came with fucking ziptie handcuffs. This wasn’t some kind of stupid person protest. Just because some of that crowd were morons doesn’t change what happened.


Was there even any reason to scale that wall? Like no way to get around it?

it’s weird that these dipsits get mad at journalists when every fucking turd that entered the capitol was livestreaming with their masks off. what the fuck are you mad about?

Hope Hicks “considering resigning”



Lol? Oh no, the dems might issue a subpoena, which will be ignored. There isn’t even a jail to lock up people who ignore them!!!11!111one

If Trump were to actually be impeached what happens to all the money sitting in his campaign fund that he has raised? Trump might shut up and sulk away because if he is impeached he loses his chance to grift for the next 4 years.

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Probably wanted to plant a Trump flag up there or take some “cool” looking picture.

So which unstuckers were on the “There’s not going to be a coup” train? Keeed is the only one I remember for sure, but there were others, I think.

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OK, but this is something the local cops could have easily managed if they actually wanted to. Calling it an “invasion” that requires the US Army to step in is absurd.