The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

You shut your filthy mouth. The only people who stepped on that poor woman were Antifa. Trump supporters never touched her.


No, its a signal to his base. The POTUS attends the next POTUS inauguration because it’s a peaceful power of transfer. Trump is saying it won’t be a peaceful power of transfer.


Nothing against you (and yours is actually one of the better versions), but this is my least favorite Tweet formation for some reason. I don’t know why, it just irks me.

Maybe part of the problem is that it’s kind of illogical. Doesn’t:

Literally no one:

Mean that literally no one said nothing?


And her replacement is sworn in.

Keep tweeting dum dum.

100% this person believes in both Stand Your Ground and Castle Doctrine

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Forgive my old man explaining, but the meme suggests that no one was asking about the thing that the target of the meme then spouts out of the blue. It’s all the rage these days.

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Peoples house, check mate libby

lol “Yeah, I saw the buffalo guy. Yeah, that’s not your meds.”


Yeah but then it should start with “No one: Hey are you going to the inauguration?” or if you want to say that no one said anything you’d go with "Everyone: _________ "

I get Mimosa’s complaint.


Typing is hard, whose got time to type all that out? It’s understood! Use the context of the quote. You don’t have to say: “No One:I wonder where to get lunch?” when the payoff is Trump:“Chili’s is the best!”

OMG Also! The set up is based on not explaining the punch line. Whatever humor there is in this meme would be killed by the over explaining.

:: Alanis Morissette.jpg::

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Heritagenothate is not convinced


Lol we gotta get him back on here


Why? He’s too stupid to make any good points. He’s just a punching bag. We don’t need that imo.



I mean, boxing is one of the best forms of exercise out there

I switched to Fox News out of curiosity and found the text of “America’s Newsroom” at the bottom of the screen (not there right now) strange. The Ms looked they were in normal font, while the rest was in bold. Then the Os looked like zeros, like when someone runs out of letters for a sign outside of a restaurant.

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He was no angel, that’s for sure.

lol Dan Crenshaw trying to appear reasonable on Fox.

This is literally the left’s plan against naked aggression:

Just without the premeditated last step.