The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

not see

what the fuss is about


We’ll see if it works.


They’re not zip ties bro, they are Freedom Ribbons


They’re calling it abuse of power, and wrapping the incitement of imminent and foreseeable lawless action and the election tampering into one charge.

Nah it was antifa bro, except for the good stuff, which was most of it. But all bad was antifa. Do some research on youtube bro.

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These things don’t seem inconsistent to me. Like, racial bias is a strong candidate for why security would be deliberately weakened so a bunch if Nazis could storm to Capitol building.


That secret service agent who shot and killed a terrorist yesterday might be the only member of law enforcement on site who actually did their job yesterday. The fact that they had to make that decision was due to several levels of failure leading up to that point, but it doesn’t change the fact that they executed their duty fully and in the manner which they were trained and charged to do so.

I say this as someone who is generally pacifist, but it’s pretty straightforward that you shoot to kill when someone is threatening insurrection against the federal government.


Yeah I’ve said it before but the real lesson here is that law enforcement is absolutely never going to save us from violent right-wing insanity. While the military is pretty evenly split, cops are overwhelmingly all in for fascism.

If these people were even a little organized, and focused their efforts around election day, they would have succeeded. Hell, they still might.

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R’s had an idea with the state legislatures overturning the electors, PA might’ve seriously done it (not joking sadly).

They’ll probably make sure they can do this by 24.

Neither of those two could’ve stopped it but they could’ve started a full blown civil war so they didn’t that was nice of them.

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Frank Meeink, a former neo-Nazi who inspired the 1998 film American History X , is making people take a second look at the police. In an interview with The Daily Beast he alleged that white supremacists he formerly knew, are now cops.

Meeink opened up about his experience with “ghost skins,” a practice white supremacists use to hide “overt displays of their beliefs to blend in” with the general public. According to Meeink, nationalist leaders with ties to law enforcement would often vet members of the neo-Nazi group he was affiliated with in the 80s and 90s, and some of his former associates are now policemen.

“I know that there are neo-Nazis who I used to run with who are now cops,” Meeink said. “And that’s just in my crew. Imagine how many neo-Nazis and white nationalists have been becoming cops? Three of the people in my crew alone became cops.”

Meeink said nationalist leaders and high-ranking members of the Ku Klux Klan like David Duke would encourage young people within the organization to join the police force, and Meeink recalled one rally in the 90s when they were told to “cover up our swastikas, grow our hair out, and become cops.”

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Seeing that the police officer who died was taken off life support after being hit in the head with a fire extinguisher yesterday.

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So I think its fairly obvious that Trump has been forced to make that video because a number of people who have the power to do it are telling him he is well and truly fucked if he doesn’t. I really hope they have same loyalty that Trump has shown over and over and welch as soon as Biden has the codes.


In the context of everything else going on around her at the time, I think it’s hard to argue that her behavior did not justify the response. Whether or not she “deserved to die,” really is besides the point.

I posted earlier that her entire life, whether it fate or a series of experiences and deliberate choices, lead her to that moment. And her death, while disturbing and incomprehensible to some or reasonable and justified to others, was a product of the life that lead her to that moment. Either way, imo it is really really sad that someone died in service of a cause, and a person, that did not care about them at all.


I wonder if that Secret Service shooter has ever played Nazi zombies because holy shit, from his perspective it must have looked exactly like a live action version of that.


I don’t know that I would give McConnell or Pence any more credit other than saying that I think they probably aren’t actual traitors. If it does turn out that there was a genuine coup plot here, my guesses as to why it failed would be either that they just failed to get a hold of anyone in Congress and/or that somebody at the Pentagon just straight-up released the National Guard in defiance of orders from Trump. To be clear, maybe the would have failed eventually anyways, but those are guesses as to why it failed to accomplish whatever immediate goals it might have had.

Why should I have any sympathy for her? She would slit my throat in cold blood if it would help keep Trump in power. I’m 100% sure of that.

It’s not like she was someone hanging back squeamish about going in. I wouldn’t be surprised if they planned for her to be the first to breech the secure area specifically because she’s female. Then the blackwater guys with zip ties follow.

Do I feel bad about a traitor who would happily usher in Nazi-style fascism, complete with death camps for minorities and enemies of the state, getting shot? No.

Her getting shot could easily be the only reason we’re not in a surreally ugly nation-changing hostage situation right now. If I never saw anything but selfie bumpkins I might feel different. But the zip tie military guys chill me to the bone. This was a setup. Brilliantly executed too and almost pulled it off.


murdered by a terrorist*


I think it’s starting to dawn on most of these guys that if Trump ever succeeds they’re either blindly loyal forever, or they get the Pence treatment like countless others have gotten. Whereas if Trump fails they might still have a nice little grifting career w/o all the chaos.

Never forget that Tucker and his white supremacist staff basically created Trump’s talking points for 4 years.


I think it might have been Death By Economic Anxiety.