The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Unstuck: police should be defunded
Also unstuck: police should have gunned all the rioters down


Ashli Babbitt was an Air Force Veteran from San Diego. Now, I know there are a lot of Air Force Veterans in San Diego (Navy town though), but @skydiver8 - you didn’t know her did you?

Another example that there were multiple agendas going on here. Dude in black (who I think may have been the first one in) trying to break the windows. Some trump supporters yelling “Antifa!” and one old guy finally grabs him. Then the military guys jump the old guy.

The military guys had very serious plans here. Probably take some hostages, make a stink, then let them go. But who knows what else.

The 10 year sentences, I believe, are much harsher.

I think I saw something with him inside. Maybe inside Pelosi’s office.

What part of protecting super high value assets like Senators and House Members are you not getting? They’re not defending a building ffs. Once they got the high value targets out, no one else got shot.

I’m sure some House Member getting tried in a people’s tribunal and executed on live TV would be thrilled the secret service detail let the mob breach their place of last retreat because you can’t shoot white people.


They were told to stand down and stand by?


You think he knows how to edit a website? I mean, literally, the only things he knows how to do without help are tweet, and he’s not getting help right now to post otherwise.

You can have both these viewpoints and have them not be internally inconsistent. DUCY?


haha no, but she was a big time poster in all the RW nutjob FB groups. She was, of course, from El Cajon, the good old 50th district representing yet again.

by the way, the media is stupid about military stuff.

“high ranking security official” is almost guaranteed to be a Security Forces NCO or possibly Senior NCO.

In the Air Force, “Security Forces” is what we call our cops. So yeah, she was probably a cop.


Can we not turn this into an abolish the police thread please? We already have a half dozen of those.

I was at a protest one time a few decades ago when I stopped some skateboard kid from throwing a big chunk of concrete at the cops. I did it more or less reflexively, and I generally have a knee jerk reaction to keep the peace. Anyway, point being, we were both on the same side in that protest.

That adds murder to everyone’s charge right? It sure would if they were black.

Even if you’re right, the cops are still culpable for even allowing them to get that far. Maybe not that specific cop (although I think he is still) but definitely the police hold some responsibility for her death.

The fact she was a clueless brainwashed moron should make it even more likely the culpability lies with the police (and the organizers of this event), not that woman.

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Right wingers: Don’t defund cops…unless we are committing treason.

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It’s okay hawley’s book got cancelled there’s already a german version


I think there is room for not liking police shootings and they happen way way to often under very questionable circumstances and realizing they are going to happen in our gun obsessed country, and at times be justified. That really sucks. The thin blue line of it is really disgusting (eg MN police union)

I have no opinion on what happened in Congress. I simply don’t know enough.

I’m very surprised there was only one.

That specific cop was secret service. The capitol cops are the ones who let it get to him.

Protecting the Capitol = police responsibility.
90% of the other stuff police do = could be done by others better (and with far less lethality)

The view that we should have police do less, but when needed they can still use lethal force as appropriate is not contradictory.


It’s on their feed now that an officer died