The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

I was hoping one off you UPers would inform me. :thinking:

Maybe the leadership, but I’d say the rank and file are probably pretty damn trumpy.



what does all the ‘calls for the 25th’ even mean? it sounds as worthless as calling for trump to resign.

just arrest Trump, Trump Juniors, Cruz, Hawley and all the republican congressman on Jan 20th.

JFC if these people weren’t the absolute stupidest fucking losers alive they would have legitimately ended our government.

None of the vote counting places were secure in swing states. None. They could have absolutely shut down the count, destroyed ballots, etc. in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Milwaukee etc., throwing the country into chaos.

We now see - law enforcement was never going to stop them. If they had their shit together yesterday they absolutely could have taken dozens of politicians hostage.

The #1 lesson from this isn’t how crazy right wing assholes are, we already knew that, its how utterly useless law enforcement is and will be in trying to fight them.


In case you wondered what Trump is up to

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That ceremony must have been a bit awkward.

Yea no idea how this didn’t happen. I guess in Georgia it was probably because Trump wasn’t on the ballot, so they didn’t give a shit. Also this movement is clearly pretty fucking dumb right now. Hopefully they get dealt with before they get smarter.

The lady crawling through the window before getting blasted in the face was X US Air Force. (There has to be an “Aim High” joke here somewhere.) Plenty of MAGA in the military and x military.

It would remove Trump’s power immediately and give it to Pence. Otherwise we have to survive until 1/20/21 without Trump nuking somebody.


i understand that part. but you are asking Republicans to do it. I don’t think Churchill was very successful when he asked the Reichstag to impeach.

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Nancy officially on board for impeachment.

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I think I’m done with memes after this one, but it’s the only coping mechanism I currently have.


They were all convinced there was no way trump could lose lol

It’s an NGO whose primary mission is support of democracy and which is probably best known for its annual reports ranking how free countries are. US#52(tied) and falling.


Yeah resigning now is just giving two weeks notice. Wholly meaningless.