The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Like that scene from “Nixon” where Hopkins rants and raves in the hallway to Powers Boothe about how the president can bomb whoever the fk he wants and then paints the smile on and walks in to the next room to meet with the Vietnam vets. Except Trump was probably bitching and ranting the whole ceremony.


aka a branch of the CIA.

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There have been plenty of military polls and Trump polls around 42%, same as general population, and the lowest a Republican has ever polled.

It’s only a handful of unelected people though. Republican politicians won’t do it, because they are still beholden to Trump’s base. But maybe just maybe the cabinet members will do something. They almost certainly prefer Pence at this point anyway. And it sounds like the gash between Pence and Trump is now wide open. It’s still a hail mary, but more likely than getting him convicted in the Senate. They should be moving on both fronts, 25th amendment and impeachment imo.


Only a sample size of 4, but 3/4 of the military people I know hate trump passionately (but are fairly restrained about it due to fears of getting in trouble)

chao resigning was a pretty clear signal they don’t have the cabinet votes.


I was thinking about this last night… I don’t actually believe any of the Republicans who were onboard with Trump before yesterday when they say they’ve changed their minds or whatever. They’re just lying to get some heat off them while this is fresh, and they’ll continue to work toward fascism as soon as they think the coast is clear.

I mean, does anyone really believe that the 4 (? wasn’t it 11 objecting before then 7 after?) senators who decided not to object really had a change of heart? What we got yesterday was exactly what Trump was calling for and what they were actively supporting.


Yeah there might have to be some kind of split where part of the military goes rogue. As long as the fighter pilots, drone pilots and tank commanders stay loyal I guess we’re fine.

But the point is there’s no way you kill a bunch of white people and it doesn’t turn into a national tragedy with the potential to usher in some kind of dramatic change - even if the white people instigate everything.

i’m amazed when they write themselves the best satire possible

Haven’t heard from Trump all day. Zero chance he dials it down, just a matter of how long until he makes it even worse. It always gets worse. Always.




Chuck and Nancy called Pence to ask him to invoke 25th amendment, apparently he didn’t take the call lolololol wat


If you were upset about the workers who had to clean up the offices after yesterday’s shit then this’ll not make it better. USA #1


Trump has the pics of Pence having a business lunch with a female colleague once.


i mean that makes perfect sense, he doesn’t want any part of this, i’m sure he just wants it to go away without him having to do anything else

Biggest eyeroll fuck you to one of these yet.

If you showed up for that ceremony on today of all days, I think it was exactly what you signed up for

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Instead of getting dragged, little Marco has turned off replying to all but followers and has 4 concurring replies. Welcome to the end of twitter as we know it.