The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

I assume you mean inauguration?

But the election in 2024 would be a nice idea.

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Yeah on mine I don’t think I could collect until 59 or something.

Does anyone know who the Chief of the Capitol police reports to? Please say it’s not a Trump stooge.

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So you‘re telling me that if we get indisputable proof that for example Trump is Putin‘s puppet and doing his bidding he could not be removed from office that same day? If true, that seems like a giant leak that needs to be fixed.

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if whoever that person is hasn’t resigned/been fired yet waaf

They could easily do it in a day. I mean, the Republican Senate already proved that they can vote without hearing any testimony.

Safety workers are different. The Oakland website suggests he would have been a part of CALPERS in the safety workers stream, which means he could collect 2% of final salary per year of service, and he could have started that pension as early as 50.

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Thank for the clarification!


I’m not so sure about this. Alt-Righters have been known to co-opt symbols related to the Crusades and the Knights Templar. The red crosses on the Georgia flag are “templar crosses” and there’s apparently a historical relationship between this national flag and the Knights Templar. So I think it’s at least plausible that this guy knows exactly what he’s doing.

I realize this is probably a dumb thing to be focused on right now.


Not Freedom House! Holy shit!

Also WTF is Freedom House?


This. No way this guy gives a shit about the state of Georgia. They hate Georgia right now.

My same reaction!

Can anyone find the tweet or whatever it was about a police chief from NH being involved yesterday? My search skills suck.

We’re up to, I believe, three confirmed cops and a West Virginia legislator. The numbers will climb. Nothing will happen.


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Some may be put in administrative leave at full pay.