The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Right. I had that wrong. I was thinking 20 minimum for some reason. My buddy is NYFD just counting the minutes until he gets 20 in. But that’s for full pension.

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I think he’ll get arrested soon. Then quickly released on bail and ultimately given a slap on the wrist 6 months from now when this dies down. Meanwhile Ferguson protesters are still in jail.

CNN literally just had a picture of him on TV with whatever his real name is. I’m no Lester Freamon but it doesn’t seem like it’d be too hard to actually find him if they wanted to.

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Facebook banned Trump until after the election.

after looking at the video in more depth it looks like old footage of a rally and I’m taking it down


But of course. Its exactly these biases (explicit or implicit) that lead to wild misestimation of risk.

Certainly some people would have known the risks and willingly disregarded them. Others will have been genuinely shocked that these white people were as dangerous as they imagine all black people to be. Because, you know, racism.

He was a cop for just under 9 years

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If you’re going to “take a knee to maga” get your technique right.


Well that video is going to get replicated in half a dozen movies. The soundtracks will probably all be 70’s-80’s music.

Not if he is in his 40s. His LinkedIn says he did undergrad 2001-2003.

Ok I’m running out of acceptable metaphors for how much this makes my blood boil

I honestly thought that by 2021 people would have learned to stop saying crazy racist shit on social media, but here we are and Boomers are still getting themselves fired on the reg. I guess this is just going to be a lesson people never grasp.

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I was given a pension option when I took my latest job. I did the math. If I stayed 10 years I’d get $1800/month = $21,600. And I probably make twice as much as that cop did. I took the 401k option instead.

OTOH I do think everyone should have a good pension especially people who put themselves in harm’s way. But if that dude stays 25 and works the system he might have $250k for life - assuming his pension system hasn’t been reformed to stop OT goosing in your last 3 years. Which seems excessive.

My NYFD buddy says everyone takes turns clocking in an extra shift for the guys in their last year. Shocked that massive financial incentives would lead to bad behavior like this.

I don’t think it was from yesterday after more inspection

This is some pretty solid evidence if we were a real country with a real rule of law. Ya, i know…

Seeing these idiot boomers terrified for their lives brings me a lot of joy. I hope this caused them a significant amount of trauma. Doubt it will get them to reconsider their Facebook propaganda driven world views, but at least they get to suffer a little for their part in attempting to overthrow the government.


Does he get the pension now or have to wait until he’s 60?

Depends on the plan buy most cops/firefighter etc would be eligible to retire before 60.