The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Wearing a name badge to a crime


It seems like there’s no way impeachment works in time (but still worth it for barring him from running again). But a lot of congresscritters are still threatening it in attempt to get Pence and the cabinet to invoke the 25th, which could happen in time.

In time for what? It’s four years too late for any of this shit.


I think the House should impeach quickly, but the Senate should hold off on a trial.

There are two goals to impeachment. One is to neutralize Trump. The other is to exploit the situation for political gain.

Here’s a way to neutralize Trump, which probably requires McConnell to be on board. First the House impeaches. Then the Senate leaders go to Trump and tell him that they will allow him to leave without the indignity of being tossed out if he behaves, but if he acts up, he will be strung up as fast as possible. He will be encouraged to go play golf and leave Pence as the de facto head of the executive branch.

Would I prefer he be kicked out? Yes, but this gives Senate Republicans a face-saving way to avoid having to vote against Trump if you can get their agreement that they will vote against Trump, but only be made to face that reckoning if Trump acts up again.

So, how can this be exploited for political gain? The first goal is to rile up Trump supporters more than they already have been. They’ve seen what they can do if they flex a little. They will be emboldened to act out again at the next provocation, which impeachment would be. Impeachment would be a dare from Democrats for Trump supporters to do more things that shock and horrify and discredit their brand. Hopefully, Republicans will see this as a way to discredit potential primary challengers and protect their seats and enough will go along with it to give impeachment some bipartisan cover.

The second goal is to make this a litmus test. House Democrats need to line up fast to support impeachment in the same way that Senate Democrats lined up to call for Al Franken to resign. If you don’t join the cause, it makes you look bad. Hopefully, some establishment Dems are old and tired and waste too much time weighing political angles, so they come across as sticking their finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing before committing. Then, they open themselves to being primaried because they were soft on Trump.

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Rand Paul maybe? He’s kind of mavericky. Tim Scott?

I don’t think trump is really capable of being strong armed like that and just going along with it.

Yeah I’d like to know why coonskin Viking hat guy is apparently a free citizen right now.

He’s famous on the internet, surely his tattoos are identifying enough, how is this guy currently enjoying brunch and mimosas at his Embassy Suites?

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there’s a few that’d be on that list (of stretching it) if they weren’t up in 22 like Moran

though he is missing Lee who I think isn’t running for re-election

Putin’s done a good job keeping him in line with it.

This guy collected a $67k pension last year lol

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It’s a two-pronged attack. Either Trump agrees to go quietly, so you win on the neutralize Trump front, or he refuses to go quietly and you win on the put Senate Republicans in a tough spot front. It relies a bit on Senate Republicans overestimating their ability to hold Trump in check and to get him to see reason, but there’s no reason to doubt they might be capable of that mistake.

Either way, Dems win.

In time for right now so we don’t have to fade two more weeks of Trump drumming up God knows what while still having the power to enable it.

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And he’s like the most super obvious confirmed Q MAGA bro interviewed here in AZ (where both the client and I live).

Also, got another crazy blast from the same person talking about how the Air Force idiot who got herself killed is a the new face of patriotism and a martyr. And meanwhile in Democrat cities they were burning and looting and the police did nothing! They were told to stand down in fact!

How the everloving fuck are these people still so entrenched in this nonsense?


Or these 2 high profile RWNJ’s who filmed themselves breaking into Pelosi’s office

The Senate isn’t reconvening anyway. They don’t want to get kidnapped.

That’s a horrible pension for a cop. He must have only worked 20 years. Still seems low.

I’m putting more hope in some patriotic Secret Service agent unilaterally deciding that a double tap is in order if Trump decides to nuke a random country.


I’d bet everything I own the DoD people have all made a pact not to honor any war requests right now.

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Someone said the tweets are still up. So I guess his account won’t be live until they go down?