The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Well normally the cops would start firing rubber bullets and tear gas into the crowd. But for “some reason” this time that was a bridge too far.


At it’s fastest, it’s still much slower than the 25th. The 25th requires 9 signatures. Impeachment requires mustering two quorums of 535 people, 100 of whom will have to go through multiple rounds of roll call votes to change the current rules of impeachment, vote on the rules of the trial as proscribed by the Constitution, and then actually vote on removal from office. Impeachment isn’t faster even if there’s unanimous consent in the Senate.

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That lady getting shot stopped them, yes. After congress got safely evacuated is when they stepped out of the way and let them roam the inner chambers and Pelosi’s office.



The 25th talk is yet another in a long line of liberal delusional fantasies.

Theirs is about stolen elections and storming capitols and winning civil wars, libs is some hero will step in and save us or republicans will do the right thing.






They don’t want to lose their base, but furthermore, they realize that life will be dangerous for them if they do abandon the base. I’m sure you saw the Romney tape the other day. They literally would be fearing for their lives.

that’s not the chilling part, the chilling part is that’s before the right wing spin kicked in

they seem torn with insisting it was leftists or trying to both sides it atm


Yeah I can’t reply. Just sharing for some insight to the Boomerverse. Also have my BIL’s aunt crying the same BS on Facebook.

There’s an old saying in Tennessee. Impeach me once, shame… shame on you. Impeach me twice, done can’t get impeached again.


She was shot at the entrance of the Speaker’s Lobby, the hallway that has the entrance to the House Chamber.

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I mean did you watch the live streams? They were doing that. Though I agree not to the extent they normally would, but they also didn’t have the artillery they normally would either. It seemed like there was like 200-300 cops and half of them were bike cops.

I definitely saw some tear gas and flash bangs, but it legit seemed like only 1-2 people had that. I didn’t see anyone with rubber bullet guns so I don’t think they had them. Which would have been a command thing.

Real oligarchs hire armed private security and get whisked from one place to another in a motorcade with said same private security. They fly private. These people do not give a shit what the little people think about them. They hoped to keep the votes of the little people. Trump has very clearly decided to burn that hope to the ground.

Now that it’s a smouldering ruin all that’s left for them to do is get even with Trump. There’s absolutely no winning coalition left for the GOP after yesterday. They can hold the really red states, but they very easily lose UT/WY/ID senators as reliable votes as the LDS church realizes that it has a lot of power available to it if it just does business with the Democrats. Mitt Romney is obviously the guy who will be running that operation.

So yeah I think the 25th is live but not likely. No chance we get through impeachment over the next 2 weeks. I also think every single outcome that had Trump walking away from this unscathed is a smouldering ruin as well. The establishment of this country has taken an ugly beating the likes of which they haven’t seen since JFK got shot in the head. This is actually way worse than that honestly. It’s the worst decline in the standing of the US ever.

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lol, is AOC doing the lawbro “Congress must!” nonsense?