The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

I guess, but Chuck is saying that he should be removed because he did a thing – incited a seditious riot. Removal because of an action seems to more appropriately fall under impeachment and conviction. They could do it in a day. The 25th talk is just them pushing off responsibility because they know they’re not going to take action.

If they’re white, I guess. But “threats” from non-violent Black people have brought about far greater mustering of force in advance.


And then I just got this chain email bullshit from a boomer client:

They’re LITERALLY going with ANTIFA DID IT! Yep, the fucking Q Shaman is Antifa. Got it.


Weird how they underestimate the risk when it’s white supremacists coming to the capitol but if it’s a BLM March they bring out all the heavy fire power


Yeah, protecting the Capital is not her job. And given how DC gets fucked over by Congress on the reg, asking the DC cops to come to the rescue is pretty rich.

This video is completely insane for a lot of reasons. 5 completely unprepared cops? Also that one cop really goes in with some savage haymakers. The right wing media is trying to label this as “mostly peaceful protest” but it’s impossible to actually watch the footage yesterday and today and think that.

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The real coup was the friends we made along the way…

Honestly after watching a ton of videos I feel way less the cops just let them in, and more that they were just RIDICULOUSLY understaffed. I’ve seen tons of videos of cops trying to fight them off outnumbered 40-1 and just getting steamrolled.

I mostly blame this on planning/command. Don’t know if this is on the mayor of DC or the police chief or what. Also none of them are armed, I’m guessing that had to come from command too. Also obv Trump refusing to let the national guard in.

No doubt they’re still on team Trump, and they’re sympathetic to the cause, but I also watched the live streams of cops legit throwing punches and fighting, pepper spraying, and battling these people pretty hard for a couple hours.

Seriously if you watch the videos there is like a single line of like 50 cops vs like 2k people. They had no chance in stopping this.

Obv fuck the police, but I also think the ones that were there mostly tried to stop it.


All of these guys are long time MAGA/Q/white supremacist dipshits and there is tons of proof you can google and send back to him. I have been doing this to anyone dumb enough to post this nonsense that I see.


Maybe most of them were trying but there’s video and pictures of a few cops taking selfies with the people. Whether they were doing that to not get attacked by the crazy people but you can decide for yourself

As a person who frequently has loled at the use of the 25th Amendment, I have come around to supporting it in this case. It’s faster than impeachment, and while its use has baked in a means for Trump to remain in power, it allows Congress to run out the clock on the rest of the presidency without having to actually vote to uphold his removal.


It’s virtual insanity to believe that Jamiroquai would be there


Impeachment can be as fast as the congress decides.

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I think Hawley was smart to maintain his objection. At least that’s consistent with a view that the wrong electors were sent and the election was potentially stolen.

What sense does it make to hold that view, and then when some people are rightfully furious about it, and it leads to violence, to just say, oh well nevermind? It kind of gives away the game that you were just doing it for the politics and then it got out of hand so now you feel bad.


As a purely political matter, impeachment seems vastly better. The poll saying that 49% of Republicans support the attack on the Capitol is chilling as all hell, but it makes a mathematically near-perfect wedge issue. Put these fuckers to a decision on whether to vote pro-sedition or anti.


Hawley wasn’t just doing it for the politics that’s who he is

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He isnt getting impeached/removed or 25th amendmented

Republicans are spineless pieces of shit and will never ever ever risk losing their base, ever, unless they are literally about to die immediately

That said impeachment is way better because he can’t run again

Also it would be an A+ move by Mitch to get behind impeachment, will allow him to work Joe so hard and get slobbered on by all the press

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Did the lady getting shot really take the wind out of the sails? I thought the shot happened early on, before they reached the inner parts of the building and Pelosi’s office?

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