The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Mick Mulvaney is astonished to learn that this wasn’t just about lower taxes and less regulation and has resigned. What a paragon of integrity.




Alright thousands of arrests is pushing it but I guarantee there’s federal police looking at Parler right now and figuring out who to charge for this. No way this gets handwaved away. @Narrator

The Guardian is reporting that it’s already lifted.

the only thing Twitter is capable of learning is their market cap. Right now it’s 43 billion dollars. Same thing goes for every publicly traded company in the world.


I had no idea he was still working in the administration.

Tiger king is just over 9 months old


Every square foot of the capitol is going to have surveillance cameras, right?

Its gonna take a hell of a long time to fade away given that they gained house seats and didn’t lose any state legislatures last election. Only lost 3 net Senate seats. Made gains with minority males especially Latin. That fade away stuff was supposed to start to accelerate this last election.

A few weeks ago I did Chili’s curbside takeout. I got food poisoning and was sick for almost a week. Had to get a Covid test too just to be safe. Fuck Chili’s.


I think the wave of pardons starts today or tomorrow. He’s gonna realize the clock is ticking. May just be himself and his family, dude DGAF about anyone else.

I tried to warn you for years now.

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Yeah…its really an illusion that its fading away, but that’s the unspoken narrative.

I didn’t actually understand your response, tbh.

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I could easily see a blanket pardon for anyone who was at the coup yesterday coming down.

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Fuck you buddy. “We finally realize the monster we created will ruin our business if not removed, please be stupid enough to think I care about anything but money.”


Dammit you’re right. Should have asked for a push in my seditious conspiracy bet if there’s a pardon.

Kirstjen Nielsen got yelled at in a restaurant and Roger Stone spent a few days in jail and that’s going to be it as far as real consequences for any of these ghouls.

Also I guess Trump got a half-day twitter ban for inciting an insurrection , lol.


it appears as such in the video, there are several rioters beating on the door and breaking the glass, stuff is barricaded behind the door, one guy in a suit with an earpiece has his gun out telling them not to come through. Ashli breaks the side window around the door and attempts entry, he fires the five or so people attempting to breach fall back.

the cops are behind the rioters the whole time like “hey guys, plz stop, plz?”