The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

Tiger King came out on Netflix 30 years ago.


I’d have to imagine. It’s going to be the most evidence-rich crime in US history.

Hey, that’s not fair. Huckabeast was asked to leave a restaurant.


Man, I don’t know, Trump really is burning the party down on his way out. If the national election was today instead of 3 months ago, I think republicans get fucking creamed. As exhibit A, I present to you, the state of Georgia. And that was before the coup.



lol I got banned for 12 hours yesterday for saying fuck off to some dumb ass republican congressperson


This is how I view them and I think that means this only ends in total defeat, theirs or ours. There’s no compromise here. They keep fighting until they win or are physically unable to fight anymore. If we assume they have that tenacity, then what are our options?

Let’s quit pretending that we share some sort of common humanity that can bridge our differences. They are the enemy. They will always be the enemy. Sure, there are some enablers and supporters and adjacent folk who can be peeled off, who we can understand and even have empathy for, but there is a significant core who we will never be one with, whose basic beliefs are fundamentally at odds with our light, with our vision of America as that shining city upon a hill. And ultimately they must fall if we are to rise.


Haven’t seen anything from Jr. or Rudy since yesterday evening… (But I mostly only see what gets linked here.)

I meant to suggest that I agreed with your post. I did not think it was a bad shoot. I would still fault the shooter for ever being a cop in the first place, but that action was reasonably protecting people from a serious and imminent threat.

In a case where you’re sure you were right, you just assumed I’d be in the other side. That’s just you fighting to hold on to your old ways. You’re going to be an anarchist eventually. Why hold out?

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See Georgia though. In the November election, Moscow Mitch and Deranged Donald were still credibly able to sell their constituencies (Business leaders for Mitch and racist lunatics for Donald) that voting for the other guy was ultimately important for achieving their goals and worked with each other in lockstep.

That coalition is now at each other’s throats, will see how it plays out for them going forward…

I do that all the time, never caught a ban. Maybe I run good.

Beats the alternative

This is all completely true. It also annoys me that people keeping dismissing them as LARPers, because the non-threatening people who play dress up and the murderous lynch mob are the exact same fucking people under different circumstances. Yesterday they got shockingly closes to the latter. You could see it starting to happen in the crowd in the hour before they actually broke in. It was in their eyes and voices. There was no mistaking who they were and what they were capable of, and it’s a minor miracle that not finding further resistance after gaining the Capitol somehow led to deescalation.


This probably needs its own thread at this point, but I can believe that the secret service agent or whatever had reasonable cause to shoot the woman while simultaneously being sad about the whole situation. I believe the “movement” (think bowel) deserves responsibility in addition to the individual. Somebody who was that far down the Q rabbit hole was obviously not so great in the brain/brain health department. I’m just not a fan of dancing on graves. I was saddened by the celebrations in the streets when Osama Bin Laden was killed.



No one to blame but yourself for that one.


Yeah… they’re not fucking LARPER’s. Many of them are cops and ex military and they own a fuckton of guns. My next door neighbor does high risk repo’s for a living (so legalized car theft) and is an ex cop who attempts to look as religious as possible. Guy tried to make friends and I couldn’t get away fast enough. The chances he’s literally a gangster are close to 100%. He’s not an atypical specimen and if he was storming the capitol building I’d take it pretty seriously.

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That woman getting shot is the only thing that stopped them from taking the next step.


Getting a big time “school shooting” vibe this morning.

Most Republicans know to shut up for now, but once Biden is in they will go right back to being insane and pandering to QAnon.


Some (sitting in congress even) already are.