The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

I’ve gotta agree with Keeed here. In about 13 days there are going to be a lot of new prosecutor’s gunning to make an example of these fucks. Everything’s on fucking tape, and the jury will be made up of people from the fucking Washington DC area.


So the goose is on the loose.


I’m guessing a lot of these dummies are waking up this morning and realizing their lives aren’t going to be the same. There is absolutely no way some of these people aren’t facing significant jail time. Yea a lot of them will get away with it but the ones that were dumb enough to post all over social media are going to prison. There is absolutely no way they let these people off the hook.


For what it’s worth, I don’t think that this is unpossible or anything I just think it’s a good bet that this one particular guy won’t be charged with this one particular crime.

It is, but much more important than mere skin color is supporting our existing social hierarchy based on skin color. Chads is out there, white as can be, but on the side of racial equality, and he’s taken more abuse than most of the small number of non-white terrorists took yesterday, and with far less provocation. Those who support the hierarchy are more than willing to welcome into the fold Black and brown people who would also support it, perhaps not as fully white, but as at least being on a tier above those who fight for racial equality.


Also, @j8i3h289dn3x7, you haven’t responded to the last post that I responded to you. It’s extremely important!

Federal prosecutors are particularly known for their restraint and care in not overcharging people.

But I mean it’s not even overcharging here, seems like everyone who stormed into the capitol chambers is guilty of textbook sedition.

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Lol at the Whitehouse putting out statement that they are sad for the terrorist lady that was killed storming the capitol.


Again, I don’t think it’s impossible. I wouldn’t give really good odds, I just think it’s a good bet at even money. You know, that’s how gambling works.

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It must be some mind fuck to be a MAGA loon terrified of Antifa, storming the Capitol and then find out that all along Antifa is… you.


LOL Bill Barr is also out on Trump.


So yeah as we all know social media pretty much sucks across the board except in this exact case where there’s almost certainly thousands of examples of people with their real names being tagged doing seditious acts. Would not at all be surprised if thousands of people go to jail.


Just in case you’ve never seen this outtake (link should take you to the right spot):


I don’t think we will see many people prosecuted for this. I think it will go down the memory hole and everyone will act like everything is normal now that Trump sort of conceded. Hope I’m wrong but the fact almost no one involved in the siege was arrested leads me to believe most of them won’t be. IDing them from tape, finding them, arresting and prosecuting them is a lot of work. Plus these were just some disgruntled free speech enthusiast whites having a laugh.


Thousands? How much money do they have to extradite all of these people? At the very least they should be grounding some planes for a bit and interviewing departing passengers. Might be cheaper.

“Fascist ANTIFA”


Trump finally became president? there’s still time for infrastructure week

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So twitter hasn’t learned a damn thing I see.

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What time does Trump’s twitter get turned back on?