The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours


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Yup. And this is why I said the inauguration would be in no danger. As soon as a crowd like that started pressing in on the defined safe perimeters, bodies would start dropping. People being shot takes the wind out of the sails real quick, as it did in this case.

Actually, what I was trying to say is that we should consider the possibility that Trump was fomenting a seditious riot as an element of a larger treasonous plot to keep Biden from becoming president.


For not doing a coup?

That bullet found a nice comfy home in the perfect person.

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It was into a large lobby outside the actual chamber, I think. The terrorist were in the hallway with capitol police behind them for some reason, secret service was in the lobby with guns drawn pointing at the door separating the lobby from the hallway, which had its glass busted out.

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OK, so he’s not delusional and this was all part of The Storm or whatever? I just have a hard time imagining what that plot, one that actually has a chance of success, would actually look like.

For seditious conspiracy

So hundreds of people led a successful armed siege on the capitol building and one person was shot and basically the rest just hit Chili’s afterwards to talk about how fun it was and went home? What the fuck is going on.


Maybe, or maybe the armed to the teeth guys on the other side come prepared to start firing back…

That’s America.

At least one good thing is that any trials will be with DC jurors.
They might not have senators but they can send your ass to jail.


It was Olive Garden.

Because they have no demands other than their facebook posts getting more comments and their grandchildren being more respectful. Hardly a trotskyist vanguard.

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Agree 100%. No innocents in 2020. Just 70M+ assholes.


I’m sure they’ve got AMAZING pensions. Worth every penny, IMO.

… with every off ramp blocked by social media companies that profited from keeping her and others on that self destructive path.