The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode XIV: T-minus 97 Hours

LOL of the 52 arrests 47 were for breaking curfew.

Fuck you, I already hated police but jesus fucking christ


lol just completely standard Republicans from California crying ass talk radio bullshit. I bet she has kogo 600am on mute while making that rant. Probably a daily Carl Demaio listener.


$460,000,000 budget for Capitol Police

Great job fellas


I’d be willing to bet he gets charged with seditious conspiracy.

This woman’s entire life was just an arc headed for that bullet.


I think it’s a big mistake to think that all the facts relevant to yesterday’s events can be known from what’s posted on social media. The modern take economy rewards all the pundits going out there and proclaiming that this was or wasn’t a coup, a putsch, an autogolpe, or what have you, but the truth is that we don’t know everything about what happened and what was planned to happen, and the most important things are probably the ones we don’t know yet.

A few things to consider:

  1. Trump has been grooming exactly this outcome for a while now. His speech yesterday morning was everything but an open directive to go riot at the Capitol. For those who haven’t seen it (I only saw this clip on TV last night), directly after he tells people to go demonstrate at the Capitol, he says: ‘You’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong’ . Trump is delusional, so maybe he thought a bunch of LARPers rioting would somehow make him president, but maybe he had some plan that had some chance of working instead?
  2. Trump refusing to make the DC National Guard available when requested is extremely sinister. Again, it’s not out of character for him to just spitefully say no in this spot, but you really can’t overstate how serious it is for him to be exercising his powers to play interference for an armed attack on Congress.
  3. Trump has been openly purging the top leadership of the military and law enforcement and installing loyalists. Why? Before skipping ahead to the question of whether it’s a big deal, or how Concerned™ we should be about it, think about the actual question of what Trump’s purpose is in doing those things.
  4. I saw some reports that it was Pence and not Trump who released the DCNG. There’s also this WTF official statement from the Acting Secretary of Defense:

Chairman Milley and I just spoke separately with the Vice President and with Speaker Pelosi, Leader McConnell, Senator Schumer and Representative Hoyer about the situation at the U.S. Capitol. We have fully activated the D.C. National Guard to assist federal and local law enforcement as they work to peacefully address the situation. We are prepared to provide additional support as necessary and appropriate as requested by local authorities. Our people are sworn to defend the constitution and our democratic form of government and they will act accordingly.

The first sentence is obvious WTFery, as none of the people named have (including Milley and Miller!) are the ones the DCNG reports to (they report to the Secretary of the Army). The third sentence is a bit of a puzzler too, since what additional support is the DoD going to provide after ‘fully activating’ the DCNG? The last sentence is deep in the category of raises questions already answered by the shirt.

  1. Remember 100 years ago on Sunday when every former Defense Secretary wrote an op-ed sternly reminding everyone in the Defense Department and the military that they shouldn’t participate in any coups? Again, think about what prompted them to write that. I would bet a lot that it wasn’t violent rhetoric on Parler.

I actually think that this is all good news for the next two weeks. Whatever was going on went on, and it didn’t work. So that’s nice! But Trump absolutely needs to be gone instantly to prevent him from pardoning people, and there needs to be a searching criminal investigation to figure out what was really going on. Also, maybe a 28th Amendment to tidy up some of the various ultradangerous anachronisms in the election mechanics?


I had guessed secret service earlier. It makes sense. Much more of a bodyguard type shot than a cop blind firing at a crowd. He had his gun out for quite a bit while they were beaching. People were yelling gun. That’s the point when you stop. Trying to go through the doors at that point is pointless, reckless and stupid.


And the jury is hung. They would just be following the lead of lawmakers who split on party lines on Trump’s impeachment.

18 U.S. Code § 2384

I’ll take that bet. $50? (need a time limit, say, by March? - also you have to prove he’s charged as I can’t prove the negative - and has to be charged by the official officials)

Some guy on MSNBC just unironically went with a “there isn’t even a jail” take.

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What the fuck?

Thank you! I’ve been trying to figure out all day what that flag was.

What a fucking moron

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Was anybody else just waiting for the moment where she looks to the camera, we hear a loud crash, and then static?

Just imagining that I’m driving along next to people who are ranting into their cameras instead of paying attention to the road is super nerve racking to me


I would only bet on jail time actually served. I’m not interested in losing a bet due to a dog and pony show.

Seems like she wasn’t long for this world. If it wasn’t the bullet, it would have been wrapping her car around a pole while filming minute long road rage videos


Right this is true, Trump is either delusional or fomenting a seditious riot for like, PR and grifting purposes. It kind of doesn’t matter which is true, the political violence in and of itself is incredibly dangerous and destructive. Not because there was a chance it would lead to a Trump dictatorship or second term or whatever, but because political violence on this scale tends to escalate and lead to unpredictable things. The analogy made upthread to the Boston Tea Party is apt, a minority of Bostonians supported it, let alone the population of the colonies as a whole. But a few years later the spiral of violence escalated and radicalized people like John Adams who never would have dreamed of revolting against the Crown a few years earlier.



Deadline April 1. $50, Quote to book.

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If this was Pence’s security detail I hope it eats at Pence that someone (even tho shes a nutter) died in large part because of him. Explain that to your fucking god Pence you POS.


I’m not watching any of the videos, so forgive me for asking obvious questions.

I’m assuming the window was into the chamber where the elected officials were, is that true? And the crowd then drop back? So you further assume that at some point the chamber was cleared and the people with guns stood down?