The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

So I guess Warren believes in some kind of Native American religion and his complaint about Bernie is he’s a Jew?

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yeah not even jesus

(see master has shot my pony)

We need to ask the White House for a list of all the things Trump has done for evangelicals and religion itself. While they’re at it, maybe they could provide examples of the articles from “Christianity Today” that prove it is a far-left publication.

“religion itself” lmao


He’s definitely approaching Hitler-level insanity.


LOL, the Friday China Trade Deal Tweet. I wonder what stupid boost that gives the market going into the weekend this time.

You would think at some point it would stop working. I think the thing that most concerns me is that he’s just sharp enough to wait until mid-October to give away the store to China and anyone else he can peddle his wrinkled ass to in terms of trade deals and make the market jump 3000 points or so. It’s pretty much the only thing he’s running on at this point.


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Waste of time but even blasphemy like yours deserves due process. Just don’t expect any of us to pretend to be impartial.

The lunacy has no end


This would make for an incredible buddy-cop style movie. Historical allies the Mafia, the Colombian Armed Forces, and Islamic Extremist Terrorists have teamed up for one last job… kill a senile old lawyer who is not a threat to any of them and also has no means of self-defense.

And the whole movie is the idiot lawyer bumbling around and somehow evading capture through sheer luck and coincidence while believing he is actually outsmarting them.

I’d watch it.


Get Rowan Atkinson to play Rudy and I’ll co-finance


If he saves himself by buttdialing I’m in…


Hahaha he accidentally buttdials the FBI while sitting on the subway. He can’t hear the agent pick up because his hearing has gone to shit but the mafia thugs stalking him hear it and mistake it for super advanced implanted phone technology and immediately back off.

He stops at bathrooms several times a day and the thugs think he’s on to them, but really he’s just incontinent.


kre8tive retweeted this and it’s pretty interesting:

The video is Trump rambling for about a minute about how he’s a protestant Presbyterian, then he goes on a sidetrack about how he loves going to church and proves it by talking about a pastor who had been inactive for 31 years, then finally says he’s never asked God for forgiveness because he tries to just make things right on his own.

He seems incredibly lucid compared to his current insanity.


The Times Privacy Project obtained a dataset with more than 50 billion location pings from the phones of more than 12 million people in this country. It was a random sample from 2016 and 2017, but it took only minutes — with assistance from publicly available information — for us to deanonymize location data and track the whereabouts of President Trump.

The device’s owner was easy to trace, revealing the outline of the person’s work and life. The same phone pinged a dozen times at the nearby Secret Service field office and events with elected officials. From computer screens more than 1,000 miles away, we could watch the person travel from exclusive areas at Palm Beach International Airport to Mar-a-Lago.

The meticulous movements — down to a few feet — of the president’s entourage were recorded by a smartphone we believe belonged to a Secret Service agent, whose home was also clearly identifiable in the data. Connecting the home to public deeds revealed the person’s name, along with the name of the person’s spouse, exposing even more details about both families. We could also see other stops this person made, apparently more connected with his private life than his public duties. The Secret Service declined to comment on our findings or describe its policies regarding location data.

Don’t worry though, it’s not just Trump and his Secret Service detail

We were able to track smartphones in nearly every major government building and facility in Washington. We could follow them back to homes and, ultimately, their owners’ true identities. Even a prominent senator’s national security adviser — someone for whom privacy and security are core to their every working day — was identified and tracked in the data.

The article is full of animations showing movement at places like the Pentagon and a nuclear plant in Florida.



I cannot begin to tell you how depressing it is that advertisers apparently feel no need to distinguish between me at 50 and a 90-year-old. Fuck everything


The deterioration of his cognitive facilities is huge. You don‘t notice it while it‘s happening, like the old story of the frog that is slowly getting boiled and obviously he obviously seemed really stupid back in 2016, but this video has convinced me he is not going to debate in 2020. he‘d be demolished - even by “Rambling Joe“ Biden.

Gorsuch, Kavanaugh. That’s all they claim to care about. Of course racism, but they won’t mention that.
