The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

I think we agree? The dems should pound the inaction of the Senate. Just not by witholding the articles of impeachment. They should only use that to ensure the fairness of the senate trial.




Anyone, and I mean absolutely anyone, still paying even a little bit of attention to these court cases in hopes of a political result damaging to Donald Trump is a stone cold fucking dipshit.

( twitter | raw text )

Glad to see the Dingell name is still GOATing it up on Twitter.

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I am a huge fan of this if they are serious about delaying this until after the election and a new senate. Full fledge make senate races about impeachment.

This would be a nice turn on the obstruction and delays used by that same body in passing Supreme Court justices.

I am just skeptical they have the fortitude to hold course. All she has to do is say the senate majority has regularly voiced that they would not provide a proper trial and until that changes I will not be passing on articles.

But this has to be her stance in six months too.


I think it’s the right move to withhold impeachment articles, I just don’t know if it’s smart to attach that to the Senate’s inaction on House-approved bills.

I have been thinking it through and could see pounding the inaction of the Senate as a good move if they’re willing to pound the point.

“You can vote on impeachment as soon as you vote on these other things.”

“You can vote on impeachment as soon as you agree to uphold your sworn oath of office.”

In that order.

That’s a bit of goalpost shifting, but such are the political games played these days. You have to pretend like this is the only thing you want, when really you’re moving the goalpost and raising the satiety point every time.


No. Senate is obstructing all legislation. Just turning the wheels, shrugging their shoulders and saying “The mean senate won’t let us do anything” is not going to get them anywhere.

Already shook by the thought this won’t end with a quick debate acquittal.


This guy is living in fkin la la land, but it’s a fun tweet for three or four seconds


I am not sure but I doubt that is how the constitution lays it out. I suspect it is a requisite to receive the articles of impeachment from the House first. They likely can not take any sort of binding vote before then.

The good thing about delay is it involves INACTION so accusations they could be doing other things while not submitting articles of impeachment won’t make sense.

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The Founding Fathers didn’t really flesh it out all that much:

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

That’s all they wrote.

“According to the McConnell Rule, the Senate should not be taking up any critical matters during an election year, instead leaving it to the people to determine the makeup of the Senate that will determine President Trump’s fate. I hope Cocaine Mitch will respect the will of the people and get back to work. There are approximately 10000 bills passed in the House this year that are awaiting action in the Senate.”


I like this. “The Senate has a massive backlog of legislation we have passed for the American people and we feel the Senate must expeditiously address all those important issues before we pass even more into them.”