The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

“You’re lying” followed by three sentences confirming the content of my post. How trumpian of you.

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This is a lie. You’re lying.

how in any universe is Bloomberg worse than Trump? Bloomberg would be above the 30th percentile of USA presidents.

Worse is up for debate. But it’s close.

Bernie has no one to blame but himself for the loss. Thirty years in the party and he couldn’t form one meaningful alliance within the party to help him, despite having like 30% of Dem electorate at his back. That’s pathetic. He does great as a Senator from a small, liberal state, but it doesn’t look like he’s got what it takes to win at the next level. We are going to have to wait for AOC.

After last night, LOL at thinking AOC has any sort of hope of a national profile going forward.


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Some people have said they either won’t vote or will vote for Trump if Bernie doesn’t get the nomination.

Who’s said they’ll vote for Trump?

Trump is literally never funny. His insults and “jokes” come from hatred. He punches down. That’s not humor.

If you’re saying he’s sometimes unintentionally funny, then sure.


Don’t remember exactly, but I read it this week. I’d have to do some searching.

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Punching Crooked Hillary, Mini Mike and Sleepy Joe is not punching down, its punching his equals who are pretending to be the good guys in the sick game all these sociopaths are playing.

“Bread and circuses,” the sociopaths’ game that is as old as time.


Punching down at the ninth wealthiest man on the planet :+1:


Except he’s not in the party. Apart from Trump, has anyone ever secured a party’s nomination from outside a party?

He’s not trolling, he’s legitimately bragging about winning a one man race.

He’s not funny on purpose. I suppose you can find his lack of loyalty amusing or the way he makes fun of people’s gender or heritage or size or mental handicaps, but it is still bullying. It is still the most powerful man in the country mocking people with much less power than him. If you find that amusing, great, but fuck you too.

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Pelosi endorsed the opponent of Cisneros (an aoc backed progressive) for a guy who votes with Trump 70% of the time. It’s stupid to think the dem establishment would ever get behind her or any progressive like her