The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances


lol punching down. Jfc

Pelosi will be dead or too old to participate pretty soon.

If Nancy lives as long as Storm Thurmond she will die in 2041.
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Just splitting my sides laughing at the humour.


This is a tweet that is true rather than funny.

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Clutching at silver linings, mini mike getting utterly humiliated is great.


They’re more likely to redistrict her out of her seat than she is to win the nomination in 2024.

The discussion was like 10 posts long, I made only a few and they were all about trump in a thread about trump.

Get a grip.

Yes, that was fun to type.

I find them amusing in a pathetic sort of way. But mostly because I am despondent about everything going on.

Lets hope the political system doesn’t turn her into a c*** like it does for most.

I said I would vote for trump if Bloomberg gets awarded the dem nom in the 2nd stage

I’m voting for any other dem that’s there in November.

Well, that makes you sound much less like an asshole…

The chances we have a functioning democracy with free and fair elections by that point has got to be a long shot.

I mean we don’t even have that now.
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