The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

I am sure the taliban will happily kill afghan government terrorists.

Also lol he is patting himself on the back for saving the day with travel restrictions.

TIM APPLE quoted.

He’s looking rough. All that travel is taking its toll.

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China is making great progress, their numbers are way down. Time Cook says they are back in\to full production (I have not seen this reported elsewhere yet)

It’s the broccoli samosa

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I guess now vaccines are good in Trumps mind?

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The Democrats are the Law and Order and War party whenever they think it’s good for politics.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look worse. Jesus he’s turning into fat palpatine


“We are ready for any circumstance. We hope it won’t be a major circumstances. It will definitely be a lesser circumstance, but we will be ready for it.”

Then admonishes the media for causing a panic.

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Handing off to noted health adviser Mike Pence now.

Terrorist prisoner of war tomato tomahto.

Oh good, people in ICU can be assured of the prayers of millions of americans.

That should help!

Can you blue out his face like you did to yours?

Time for Mike to hand out the blowies to Trump for shutting down travel from China

Banning travel from Iran although Iran is already under travel ban.

Also level iv advisory regions of Italy and South Korea

Am I misremembering but is this whole “at the presidents direction” starting every sentence is a new thing?

Did this happen with past presidents?

No, there is a reason it is happening now.

4 letter word. Starts with a CU and ends with a T

It’s okay to just outright refer to Trump as ■■■■■■■■


Seems like job of everyone here is just to fellate Trump for restricting travel from China, the most obvious thing in the world to do.

I noticed it too. Clearly it is a messaging thing by staff to sooth Trump’s fragile ego to get credit for dealing with the crisis.

Seems like it would have been unnecessary for previous presidents.