The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

He was referring to the president being the leader of a cult.

He knows, im sure

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Why am I taking so much pleasure in seeing Trump look so miserable?

Welp, risk is low, no need to change anything, nothing to see here, move along.

Gaslighting about how Trump was against the Iraq war while Obama was for it is going to go unchecked.

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lol trump is a ■■■■ leader. this is why i read unstuck.


On the Taliban deal, I’ll definitely be trying to steal the opinion of much cleverer people than me, but at first look it’s not great. It seems to more or less ignore that The Taliban have consistently refused to even talk to the Afghan government, so I don’t know why they would change now. Indeed the US appeared to want to get this done before they even recognised the ‘results’ of the presidential election there, which are problematic to say the least. They had to leave, but to leave in a way that undermines the legitimacy of the institutions they left behind (and which are probably the only game in town to protect a lot of people) seems bad. Those institutions have massive problems, though, so possibly there was nothing to be done given how unpopular the US troops are. That’s why I’ll maybe steal cleverer opinions later.

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I think I’m ok with pulling out of Afghanistan.

I am too but I’d rather it be done by a competent administration with goals beyond helping the polls.

He is going to do it so badly it would have been way better to wait for adults to do it.

We’ve been waiting for the adults to do it for 18 years. If he wants to just take the L and go home I’m fine with it. Yes all that blood and treasure was a horrific tragic waste but its sunk cost.


Highly recommend. Like, what competent administration? It’s a stretch to think that any US administration would even be interested in doing anything we’d consider good, let alone both interested and capable.

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Just got back from NH, where my wife discussed coronavirus and other issues with a quite low info Trump voter. He seems like he will not be voting Trump this time. She/we will keep working on him. He said, “he really is a narcissist, isn’t he?” Yes, yes, he is.

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Bernies obv
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