The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

This isn’t just a joke bro, it’s satire.


Yeah im in for this insanity


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I play the straight man to micro’s clown. :grin:

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Always smart to negotiate with terrorists.

At least we know 20 years in Afghanistan we will have left it worse than when we went there.

Why would afghan government be worried about the release of 5000 terrorists opposed to them?



Starts off talking about the war. Yeah, thats why we’re here, jackass

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People who order their meat well-done perform a valuable service for those of us in the business who are cost-conscious: they pay for the privilege of eating our garbage. In many kitchens, there’s a time-honored practice called “save for well-done.” When one of the cooks finds a particularly unlovely piece of steak—tough, riddled with nerve and connective tissue, off the hip end of the loin, and maybe a little stinky from age—he’ll dangle it in the air and say, “Hey, Chef, whaddya want me to do with this ?” Now, the chef has three options. He can tell the cook to throw the offending item into the trash, but that means a total loss, and in the restaurant business every item of cut, fabricated, or prepared food should earn at least three times the amount it originally cost if the chef is to make his correct food-cost percentage. Or he can decide to serve that steak to “the family”—that is, the floor staff—though that, economically, is the same as throwing it out. But no. What he’s going to do is repeat the mantra of cost-conscious chefs everywhere: “Save for well-done.” The way he figures it, the philistine who orders his food well-done is not likely to notice the difference between food and flotsam.

-Anthony Bourdain


Oh shit, he’s in super low energy mode. Already using words terribly. “wounded warriors are always coming to me telling me they want to go back.”

Something about treasure and treasury?

Seriously what is wrong with him.

CNN analysis before trump said he Will likely push more financial measures today lol stock marketmonts.

Also one time taliban leaders.

“They will be killing terrorists. They will be killing… some very bad people.”

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Dude on his left is staring him down. He hasnt looked away since the conference started. Is that disgust or reverence?

Yeah he said the taliban will be killing terrorists. JFc.

Four minutes into his corona conference and only talked about the mighty taliban.

Pence looks like Death Czar.

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“This was a very…spirited…agreement. There was a lot of talk.”

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“If they don’t hold up their end, we’ll go back. We’ll go back with a strength nobody has ever seen.”



Talking about the coronavirus now.

“its a tough one, but a lot of progress has been made.”

Lied about the numbers. Said there are only 22 cases in the US right now. Also said the lady who died was in her mid 50s in Washington state