The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Supposed germphobe who bangs hookers without a condom gonna school us on virology

Oh yeah and he lies about anything and has zero credibility

Looking forward to it


latest development: I created the greatest economy in world history all by myself. democrats have no achomlishments.

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Any Waygu is good. I actually prefer a “lower” grade the rate times I have it as it is a bit less fatty.

Non pol hot take. Trump is correct that steak is gross. It’s just a delivery mechanism for blood and eating blood is gross.

If your steak contains blood you need to find a new butcher.

If Trump doesn’t bring any experts with him to this news conference it has a chance to be epic.

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OMG OMG sets alarm. I missed last one

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You make a horrible vampire

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My wife and I were the exact same, both of us had parents who absolutely ruined beef of all kinds. I had no idea roast beef was something that could be enjoyable until I moved out of my parents’ house.

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Jfc it’s not blood. Fing brits man I spent 10 years watching in-laws order even fillet well done because ‘blood’. Still tilted lolme.

If it’s red juice, and it’s in a body it’s blood. Don’t bring your science at me bro.

1st time at the fancy restaurant as a kid… Can I have steak, sure son OK then I want it rare (I always hated tough meat) (Yup, my mother can’t cook either) no no, your a kid it’s gotta be well done, OK then can I have a pepper sauce with that, no no it’s to spicy… My exact words shouted a cross the room “Then why the fuck are we in this fancy restaurant then”


From everything I’ve seen in Trainspotting that seems like the kind of thing you’d expect in Scotland.


Restaurants should keep pot roast on hand for anyone who wants well done steak. Don’t waste the good stuff.

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Oh it’s a common occurrence over here, with young kids :wink: My young cousin did it to at around the same age in a pasta/pizza joint with the whole family too, her mother was mortified :grin: And she is too after we never let it go… She’s 26 now :sweat_smile: Swore and all, the horror. :scream:

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I must admit, I’m a fan of hot pink center


I’m not sure who’s getting the joke and who isn’t or even if it is a joke.