The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Ask for it “still mooing”.

I also got yelled at for eating raw pieces of hamburger.

I used to do my burgers med rare like steaks until I had a work trip in Canada, where it is apparently illegal to sell them less than well done (?). They’re different than steaks because the inner meat touches the air during the grounding (grinding?) process, so it’s important to cook them pretty thoroughly. But I can’t bring myself to say the words “well done” so I just compromised to medium well.

It’s not illegal here but it requires special approval. You have to show you are making your own burger from whole cuts. It’s super uncommon. I think in my city of 1.7 million there is one place that does it.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the most popular way to get steaks in Trump country, anyway. I grew up in the suburbs, middle class, and my Dad used to get medium well, my Mom always got well done. So as a little kid, I had well done because my mother was super paranoid. Then I got a little older and got medium well to get it how my Dad gets it. Then I got older, realized they were oh so very very wrong, and started getting medium, then moving to medium-rare. I also made fun of them for the way they get them, ultimately getting my mother to switch to medium-well, but I couldn’t get my father off the medium-well. :man_shrugging:

Anyway, well or medium-well is how people who eat steak at places like Applebees, Chilis or the town diner get their steaks.

As for Trump it’s because he’s a germaphobe, which is an inexcusable reason for a billionaire.

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That wagu is probably still pretty incredible even burnt to a crisp :cry:

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Agreed. Was more adding on he is attending fancy state dinners all over the globe and forcing his hosts to serve him charcoaled steak um w tomato sauce.

That is a strike against Canada.

Today? Have you been under a rock the last three years?

Youre right. I guarantee Trump has never gone down on a woman.


The first time he ordered a steak, I think he meant well done like he wanted a good steak and since then he has always assumed that all good steaks taste like a piece of rubber.

I really didn’t need that image in my head


No, I said NEVER, not constantly.

Now THATS an image you don’t need in your head
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Good in bed


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I’ve never heard of A5 waygu. Is A5 like a later generation of A1? Mixing A1 and ketchup definitely seems bad.


A5 is highest grade. A1 is lowest.

I’ll stick with A1 original thanks.

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