The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

“Lol no fuck you”

“Oh, you will be sorry. I shall now harness public opinion!”

( twitter | raw text )

Non-Sociopaths, as Jack Nicholson correctly argued, really cannot handle the truth. The truth of an absent god. The truth of social realities as canvases for fiction for those who choose to create them. The truth of values as crayons in the pockets of unsupervised Sociopaths. The truth of the non-centrality of humans in the larger scheme of things.

Jesus, had no idea the Office was so deep, lol. Ummm, yeah, this is so obviously true and even as a non-religious person I hadn’t even considered it. Don’t think I would have ever even understood it reading it 100x over if we weren’t living through Trump administration** which exemplifies it in every possible way and makes it blindingly obvious.

And even though Trump is the quintessential sociopath, Chuck, Nancy, Pete, Warren, Biden, Bloomberg, etc. are all obviously sociopaths too. That is what makes it so easy for people to say fuck it, I choose the Trump reality show, I like his Bullshit better (of course they do, Trump specifically tailored it them).

I think Bernie may or may not be a sociopath, but neither option is great under this world view. If he is a sociopath, well that is bad obviously. But if he is not a sociopath, he will almost certainly be defeated one way or another by the sociopaths that are circling him from every direction.

** Trump himself would be one thing, but how the entire right wing power structure quickly shifted to yes, this Trump reality show is now the actual reality we are now selling/living in really seals it.

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( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )

TIL popular politicians are allowed to commit crimes as long as they remain popular

It’s almost like some of us were right and they should have been using inherent contempt all along. The law people were all like “The courts will save us!” and the courts are like, “Uhhh, you guys can hold them in contempt, ya know!”


We live in a democratic Republic and elections have consequences, while consequences can be rendered via elections. Sometimes the people say, “Yes, please, sir, commit more crimes and pillage the swamp for your army of grifters!” and then the courts must bow to the will of the people, unless the Congress chooses to impeach and remove, or use inherent contempt… But some, like @Preet_Bharara think that remedy is pointless because… checks notes They don’t have a jail, and there’s another election coming up anyway.

  • Ultimate cheat code: cheat the elections and say LOL fuck you!

Just saw a show talking about Trump ordering A5 waygu well done and eating it with ketchup.

Final confirmation he is a total monster of biblical proportions.


Burned steak with a little bottle of ketchup is what most countries serve him when he is visiting, at state dinners. This dude put his name on a steak lol.strong text

I knew he ate steak well done with ketchup, which makes one morally suspect, but A5 waygu is a different yardstick of sociopathy. :grin:

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I used to eat well done steak with ketchup when I was a little kid. I think that was mostly because my parents cooked shitty fucking steaks though. I grew out of it pretty fast when I started have BBQ steaks and steaks outside of my parents.

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I subscribe to the theory that he likes them well done because he thinks that means they’re been cooked with skill.


Joking aside I think hes a coward and a germaphobe and the red myoglobin scares the hell out of him and the pink meat disgusts him.

This the dude insecure men all around the world worship, dude afraid of a medium rare steak lol.


Jesus I never thought of this. This is almost for sure it!

And hilariously instead of having some other food, he has to have shitty steak because ‘that’s what real men eat’. He’s too squeamish to eat steak properly but too insecure to admit he doesn’t like steak so he eats objectively shitty food.


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Thank god he is getting all the elements of medical.


Pretty sure this is correct.

He’s certainly a massive coward.

As a kid I ordered my steak “bloody”.