The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Correct, for many it is a palpitating world-view (although “world-view” is not nearly strong enough to convey the breadth and strength of their views).

If the Dems had any sense, they play into Trump’s ego and name the virus after him. I mean, nobody wants to get the trumps. No way, they want to get a vaccine against it so it doesn’t affect them again.

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They need to troll him on the stock market. Down another 3% today.

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Lawbro article about why Trump cannot pardon Roger Stone

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You’t think Citations Needed would’ve ripped these lawbros a new one in one of their episodes by now.



Even I think that guy’s an idiot.


I read the first couple of paragraphs of this earlier. Struck me as bs, to the point where I wasn’t sure the author is a lawyer.

(I guess he’s a poly sci/law prof, but he seems to be working with his own interpretation of the impeachment clause.)

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Lawbros need to stop, like unplug the keyboard stop, any time they write the word “can’t.”



10-4, you’re probably right. Cheers.

Bernie’s campaign is based on love, compassion and equality.

tRUmp’s message conveys fear, hate and division. His actions show that if you’re a rich white male in his orbit of influence you will receive preferential treatment while if you’re a poor brown asylum seeker you will be stripped of dignity and separated from your children.

It’s not their policies or even their ideologies that are polar opposites, it’s their moral compasses.


Worst one day point drop in history

Working hard. Thank you.


Just noticed that CPAC is going on now but I’m far too indifferent to start a thread for it

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It’s just not CPAC without Romney.


Is the bot broken or has agent orange just been tweeting a lot less?

He’s probably trying to convince his advisors that he should be able to nuke California to contain Coronavirus. Or at least Nancy’s district.

Futures are down again, too. This could be it.

Beat: Kids’ 529 accounts are probably borked.

Brag: My wife could’ve started contributing to her new employer’s 401(k) a couple months ago, but we’ve been lazy about figuring out what we wanted to do with it, so she hasn’t put any money in.