The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

People will be only too eager to blame it all on foreigners and their nasty viruses. I wouldn’t be surprised if his approval rating went up, not down.

The people who fall into that category already approve of him. His approval rating is likely to be unchanged, but some of those rich people who were NeverTrump in 2016 but “Ehhh, my portfolio is looking good, business is good, I might have to do it,” in 2020 will vote against him if he’s no longer viewed as good on the economy.

I know at least a few of these people myself, and I live in PA.

I think you’re severely underestimating the number of deplorable-adjacents who can be persuaded by his endless stream of utter bullshit during times of anxiety.


I mean I’m talking about people who hate him personally but they are planning on voting for him for the tax cuts, deregulation and stock market gains. They’re smart enough to know he’s a racist buffoon, but selfish enough to not care more than they care about their own money. They won’t fall for his bullshit, although they may still sit it out if it’s Sanders because these are the exact types who are all OMG SOCIALISM NOOOOO!

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Seems you’ve figured out 90% of where these people are going, just need to connect the last dot… Tax cuts/deregulation were working great for 3 years just like I said until the corona virus… and sure Trump’s response to the virus wasn’t great but would have been a hell of a lot worse with those OPEN BORDER DEMOCRATS… anyway now that we are in this situation what we need is MOAR MOAR MOAR TAX CUTS, INTEREST RATE CUTS AND DEREGULATION…can’t risk electing a SOCIALIST who will obviously turn this economic setback into a DEPRESSION.

All too predictable, sure jalfrezzi is speaking from experience having seen the full scene play out in the UK… GET BREXIT DONE, DON’T PARTICULARLY LIKE BORIS BUT I AGREE WITH THAT, JUST GET IT DONE, WOOHOOHHHOO!


The fear of actually getting killed by someones incompetence is a pretty clarifying moment I suspect. This crisis is different than the other situations Trump has fucked up. This one has his base squarely in the cross hairs. The ones who don’t die will have had a pretty horrifying scare.

Some old people are going to have a pretty significant reckoning with their own sense of invulnerability over the next few months.


There is some narrow truth to the idea that Sanders and Trump represent the ideological poles of their respective parties. Trump has advanced core conservative movement goals, and draws his strongest support in Congress from its most right-wing members. Sanders’s allies are the most left-wing members of Congress, but their means and ends are completely different. The goal of Sanders’s movement is to win elections to pass bills that make America a more equal society; the goal of the Trump movement is to steal elections so they can stack courts and continue to rule without the consent of the governed.

This is nicely put.


It’s pretty much the very definition of left vs. right. Yeah Bernie is EXTREME! Extremely democratic and egalitarian.

That guy who is literally choosing to die from kidney failure to pwn teh libs tho

That guy is pretty obviously suffering from a major mental illness.

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That’s an odd thing to take away from that quote.

No it’s not.

Did you not read or pay attention to the last sentence? That’s quite clearly the main takeaway from the quote, and super important. If you read that and get upset about left vs. right equivocating, I think you might need to take a little break and regain some perspective.

I wasn’t upset with the post. I was agreeing with it. You need to take a break.


True and sobering :+1:

To be clear, the passage is saying the opposite of what you seem to think it’s saying.

I’m saying the opposite of what you think I’m saying, though I’m on the first level.


They’re gonna go on believing it’s the LIBRULS or the LAMESTREAM MEDIA or the ILLUMINATI or whatever the fuck they ingest from Fox News and Right Wing Radio. They will not encounter any media that makes them reckon with their own sense of invulnerability in any way that will cause them to blame Dear Leader, because that would require rethinking their worldview. They’re just going to hunker down into their foxhole of ignorance and reload their racism gun and start blindly firing over the battlefield until the bitter end.