The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Giuliani had more than 5 friends?
( twitter | raw text )

Yeah but lots of old people with corona will be milling around. Be a shame if you have to start cancelling the only things that bring you any joy.

(Just trying to plant seeds guys)

We’re getting pretty close to being able to celebrate breaking 26,000, Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

Womp womp Rudy

Rather than holding the GOP accountable, the media will instantly pivot to “can’t elect a socialist in a downturn.” Their absolute BS implied adoption of GOP and low taxes = good for economy is an ever present disgrace.

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GOP will blame the rise of Bernie Sanders and scary socialism for the downturn.

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Horrible move by ABC , but lol at David Wright. What is up with this guys sharing deep fees on politics with every rando they meet.



“Dow just crashes through 25,000. Congrats! Big cuts in unnecessary regulations continuing,” he wrote on January 4, 2018.
The market remained above that line for a while, even reaching 26,000, before sinking lower in the spring.
But it ticked up again in the summer, yielding a second message of triumph.
“The Stock Market hit 25,000 yesterday,” Trump wrote on July 14. “It is all happening!”

The good news is trump can’t really play the Bernie impact as it implies Bernie has a significant chance of defeating him in the General Election.

Well Trump is dumb, he could do anything.

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Narrator: the dangerous precedent was set.

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If a Democrat were President, this is all the media would be talking about.

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I was really expecting “YOUR ASS” for the first half of that sentence.

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Some people are only comfortable when the stock market is down

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I’m definitely one of those people. When things are awful I’m thinking about how much it can go up. When things are great I’m freaking out about the next crash.

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Not sure I agree with Ted backseat driving the CDC here. Are we literally testing everyone with a symptoms for coronavirus? That’s a lot of people and these tests ain’t cheap.

Then at this point why test anyone ? And I don’t say that snidely, but from a practicality standpoint.