The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

no death penalty is why I reckon for 2 of those 4.

well I’m sure feeling more confident after trump’s coronavirus press confidence

(that I should panic)

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Trump is just pure gasoline on any fire it’s incredible

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This should calm the markets

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Cramer is Practical Kudlow

Lol, he goes on his dumb fuck spiel and the markets tank another 350 points before the open. We could see 20K by March 30

Currently 400 now
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My investments are pretty limited as of now. I’m definitely on #TeamCrash

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Which currency? During the financial crisis the dollar tanked vs. the Euro.
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Looks an awful lot like we’re going to get the recession now, which is probably better in the long run since it’s the best chance at sinking Trump, especially if he’s all “Everything is great!” while there is suffering going on. The big risk, however, is that coronavirus and a recession gives him a tremendous opportunity to seize even more power in draconian ways. Shit’s going to get wild.

The S&P 500 is down 6-7% and the DJIA is down 7% since the end of last week. Futures are down in the US. European markets are down 7-8% in that span, with the markets just opening and free falling.

Looks like everything is easily going to hit a 10% drop from its peak, and we’ve only just begun. Buckle up.

In the heavily edited video posted on Wednesday, Wright can be heard being asked whether he considers himself a Democratic socialist. Wright replies that “more than that, I consider myself a socialist.”

Wright also can be heard saying “we don’t hold him to account” and that “we don’t give him credit for what things he does do.” Project Veritas said that was a reference to President Donald Trump. Wright also is heard saying that “we’re in this awkward moment where…and created by this awkward moment we have this f—ing president.”