The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

It’s either that or some kind of martial law to follow through on his repeated threats of the federal government stepping in if California can’t handle itself.

The CDC refused to test a patient because he didn’t meet the criteria. That patient was later confirmed to be infected. In light of this it’s appropriate to question the criteria.

I don’t see how you can avoid a case like this unless you test everyone who has flu-like symptoms, and idk if we can do that, that’s a lot of people.

By buying one less F-35?

Hahahahahahahha, no that’s not a realistic option.


If she has an employer contribution you’re probably still down.

True. Not overly concerned. It’s not an amazing employer contribution, but it’s something.

Thank God we brought those 14 people back from Japan.


Hate to be a Debbie Downer here, but I’m actually thinking the Coronavirus is just too discrete of an event and will allow Trump to dodge the fallen-economy bullet. A slower, less-easily-explained drop could have sunk him, but this? Nah.

Think about it–it is the perfect scapegoat. Blame China! Blame the foreigners that brought it to our shores! Blame scientists that couldn’t stop it! Blame the media for overhyping it! Trump can play all his greatest hits to deflect criticism from himself, the right-wing media will play along, regular media will be useless as always (NYT headline “Is Trump’s claim that China brought down the US economy as payback for tariffs true?”), and we’ll find ourselves mid-recession in October with Trump approval at an all-time high.

Calling my shot now and hoping like hell I’m wrong.

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It’s not just flu like symptoms, right? The doctors specifically asked for it.

I mean his supporters who buy into that shit were always going to stay with him. The question was always if the economy tanks will the people making 100k+ with significant money in the stock market leave him?

Like when his approval ratings were 37%, we know at least that it can fall back down to that again.

But you’re right even people who are in it only for the stocks might hand wave this away and just say well it wasn’t his policies, its not his fault, its the virus. What we need now more than even is less regulations and low taxes so my stocks can go back up.

I guess we shall see. If it tanks hard and unemployment goes up a lot then I think we will see people wondering well wtf are you gonna do for me? Nothing? This Bernie guy is offering me some shit at least. At least he wants my family to have healthcare now that I’m unemployed. I’m sure Bernie will roll out some great plans if this gets real bad and scoop a ton of people up.

Also the 6 figure plus people might decide the fun is over and we need an adult to led us out of this after Trump just continually fucks everything up like he always does but this time it actually has consequences.

It’s truly incredible how well Trump has run. Luckiest presidential run in history. But yeah there are consequences now.

Trumps going to use the coronavirus to cancel the elections in November and implement mandatory curfews


Narrator: He pardoned Roger anyway

I haven’t signed up for our 401k yet either. Everything’s coming up Milhouse

People: for the love of god contribute at least enough to get the employer match. Like its literally worth having credit card debt to get the match, it is an instant 100% return.


Small caveat. This is only true if you fully vest.

Yeah I’ve got one more month until my employer’s contribution vests (one year of service). Counting the minutes even though I doubt I’ll quit right away. I still don’t like feeling trapped.

Don’t worry Keed will explain how this was all part of a tough call.

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