The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Then Pelosi and Schumer will do a joint presser declaring how troubled they are, how seriously they take the allegations against the socialist, and how great of a replacement nominee Joe Biden will be.

if you paid any attention during the barack era, you’d know that every R will snap vote against everything a D POTUS wants; even if R’s were arguing for it 10 minutes ago.


They sure as hell wouldn’t give Bloomberg the same treatment they gave Obama.

I mean he’s only a Republican wet dream, so no way Moscow ruins a pay day over BloombergOrg’s new RoboCop industry in 2026 and in fact may just unifiy the party’s to elect the new President in 2028.


The Villages!

that base wants everything out of a dem blocked.
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I like this line from David Roth’s recent piece:

Where his competitors nibbled in familiar professional shades of smarm and euphemism, Trump lumbered blithely up to deliver what Republican voters actually wanted, which turned out to be the crying-laughing emoji and brutal, racialized authoritarianism.

Sums it up pretty well.


SE Valley times has your zipcode->gasoline variety needs covered.

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Harris Faulkner - local news babe when I still lived in KC in 1995. Still looks great. Fuck her for going to the evil empire though.

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Stock futures down 3%, yikes.

Probably low tbh. This thing is going to hit hard and the global economy is heavily leveraged.

This isn’t subtle: Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

To be blunt, the economic impact of this thing if it were just allowed to rage freely would be low, so it’s a matter of how draconian you think containment efforts will get.

I think it’s going to rage freely. The opportunity to contain this locally in China already came and went. That being said the economic damage from the measures already taken in China is going to be significant.

The reason I think 3% is low is because of the level of leverage in the overall economy and because price levels for financial products are already unsustainably high. When a major market correction is probably already long overdue something like this is just what the doctor ordered to trigger one.
