The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Original file 600x516

I also made my own gif at 320px and that too converted into the tiny size.

I mean file size on disk. The system should only be resizing images if they are larger than 4 MB. Pixel dimension doesn’t matter.

D’oh yep you are correct, both way over 4mb. I’m just so used to the system telling me something is too big that I don’t even check before upload anymore. TY.

who or whom 3

It’s a Xmas miracle.

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I get it now. lul that’s funny

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Plus you are first president to spray on brown face every day.

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This is what it’s like when an orange panics. Hope he doesn’t hurt himself flailing around like this,

Ha I’ve wondered when Trump was gonna drop the ”since Lincoln” from his greatest president for African Americans bullshit. Lincoln freed the slaves and Trump let a black person out of prison which is basically the same thing, except Lincoln didn’t create as many jobs for African Americans as Trump so I give this point to him.


Can you imagine being the illegal immigrant that has to wash is pillow case every day? Most humiliating job in America.


He still doesn’t understand tariffs. Jesus Christ man.

He gets stupider by the day.

Filing that a week after sentencing probably decreases how stupid it is.

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Or a golden opportunity to rub your nuts on it.

I thought everyone thought it was a lock Stone was gonna get instantly pardoned. Is Trump gonna make him wait after the election? Probably not pardon him at all?

lol at these morons trusting trump. You love to see it.

The First Step Act (criminal justice reform) is a good demonstration of why a Dem Potus like Biden or Bloomberg would be dangerous with a Republican Congress. All the Nay votes in the Senate were Republicans (12 of them). Trump wanted something that Dems want, so the Dems voted for it and half the Republicans went along with their President, even though Republicans had voted this bill down before.

In the same way, every little Republicanish thing that Bloomberg or Biden might agree to will get passed if they are POTUS.

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Stupid, but ballsy.

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