The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

The thing that immediately struck me as weird about that flight was that they’d organised it to leave before the test results, which were due, came in. I know the whole point of that mission was to respond to bad PR from what cruise passengers posted on social media, so time was finally of the essence, but that seemed a mistake whatever the results turned out to be.

Did you even read the article? The choice was between sending those 14 asymptomatic but tested positive people to Japanese hospitals or flying them home in a plastic-lined section of the plane. If they didn’t get on that plane they weren’t going home until they got out of the hospital. The CDC didn’t want to and the State department and HHS did want to fly them home. There was no possibility of a second plane getting the 14 later on, the CDC wanted to send them to Japanese hospitals.


It’s not a tough decision.


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Populism is driven by anger towards the elites. The Democratic establishment is uncomfortable with encouraging people to be angry and see themselves as elites. Populism scares them.

So, how can you have a “positive, unifying populism” that is anger-based? I’ve always claimed that there is something dark and negative about a movement rooted in anger and that it’s okay to embrace that negative emotion, with the understanding that sometimes emotions get out of control. We need to risk being too emotional to avoid not being emotional enough. Stoking hatred of the 1% scares the centrist because anger and hatred and fear are not conducive to the orderly society that the establishment desires.

Populism scares establishment elites because it is like a wildfire, unpredictable in its destruction. It is especially scare for those who pride themselves on being able to consider the future ramifications of all actions and have a tendency to place too much weight on the worst outcomes, unlike the Republicans with their eternal optimism of seeing only the rosiest of scenarios for their preferred policies.

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Where is the part about “no possibility” of a second plane? It just wasn’t mentioned. And based on that you think it was literally impossible? There really was very little about the details of the discussion between the CDC and State Dept. It also doesn’t mention how long they would have to go to the Japanese hospital. They would just have to stay until the next plane.

Most importantly, the real stupid (yet easy) decision is not having the two planes already there to deal with a scenario so likely, even you could have thought of it.

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Handouts and socialism. Incoming GOP RAGE IN 3…2…???

It’s really incredible. Elite gaslighting to use the term “misinformation” in your own misinformation. Muddies the waters.

The sequence of events isn’t really contested though:

  1. Lawmakers got a security briefing on Russian interference from the top election security official.
  2. Nunes and others get mad when hearing the conclusion that Russia is again interfering on behalf of Trump.
  3. They go crying to the President
  4. Trump is mad, not at Russia for interfering, but rather at the security officials for giving Adam Schiff ammunition to use against him politically.
  5. Trump fires his own hand-picked acting DNI (Maguire) and replaces him with loyalist Grenell (no intelligence experience).
  6. On the day he’s fired, Maguire writes USAToday op-ed with Barr, Wray and others warning about potential election interference from Russia.
  7. Trump declares idea of Russian interference a “misinformation campaign launched by Democrats” SMH

Who cares how long it takes. Your thought process on this is ridiculous and Trumpian.

The CDC wanted the infected to stay in Japan and get treatment in Japanese hospitals. Obviously once admitted to a hospital they won’t be evacuated.

It is in keed’s brain. He thinks a Japanese hospital is a Chinese finger trap.

That the US would not be able to manage the removal and transport of those people from Japanese Hospitals or Japan would stop us.

We may decry the myth of American Exceptionalism but the CDC is where it is actually true.

Not sure why Keed is just making up scenarios siding with morons over the foremost experts in the world, but he is (once again?)

Imagine thinking I’d give up 25 admin for a chance that I have to decide whether or not to give up 25 admin later down the line :sweat_smile:

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That’s “obvious” now? I’m beginning to wonder which article it was that you read, because you’re making up all sorts of stuff that wasn’t in there.

Just a few moments ago you said "I don’t have a lot of experience trying to set up flights of medical evacuees with highly contagious viruses, so I don’t have any idea. "

Now it’s obvious that once they enter the Japanese hospital for an extra day or two of quarantine, they can’t possibly leave.

Your rate of expertise accumulation is astronomical. By the end of next week, you should be able to run the CDC!

Can we at least admit that not having the two planes at the ready was dumb and easily anticipated. Or is that too much?


Fuck off

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Imagine going to the Far East and not being prepared for a bad case scenario of winding up in a foreign hospital for a few days.

Keed really thinks hundreds of people should be exposed to the virus because 14 people are unhappy being in a hospital after traveling overseas.

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Let’s not pretend you wouldn’t be criticizing the administration if they left those 14 people on the tarmac.

On a COVID-19 side note, Chinese carbon emissions are down 25%. Maybe Mother Nature is tired of us and going to fix the planet herself.


You fly the 14 ones who were infected first, then put the others up in accommodations until they could arrange the transportation home for them.