The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances
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If you do that then the fox will eat all the uninfected passengers you left behind, you have to take the 14 infected and the fox to make sure no one gets eaten.


The CDC disagreed with you.

According to the WP article there are dozens of Americans hospitalized in Japan and it sure doesn’t sound like they’re trying to evacuate them. Nor should they, seems like the last thing you would want is to move someone who is symptomatic and requiring treatment. I’m sure the treatment they’re getting is good since Japan is a modern country. So yeah, if the CDC’s advice had been followed and those 14 sent to hospitals in Japan it seems very likely that that’s where they would remain until their illness resolved.



Many attempts to respond to bad PR just make things worse. I can only imagine the PR nightmare that would arise if these 14 infected others and started an outbreak here. This virus is nasty and quarantines work. Leaving them there would have been a difficult but prudent decision.

Like if they’re in wuhan, yeah, get them out asap, but Japan isn’t jammed, they have the facilities open and ready and they’re fully capable of handling it professionally. Why risk it? Because a congressman’s friend wants to go home now? That’s why they overrule the cdc?


So the choice was as I described: let them on the plane in the plastic section or send them to Japanese hospitals until their illness resolved. A second flight later on wasn’t considered.

I admittedly haven’t followed this thread as much lately, but wow this is peak Keeeeeeeeeeeed.

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I hope that insanely nice/friendly congressman is able to overrule the cdc and get this asymptomatic carrier a personal buffet breakfast meeting with the whole caucus right away


Is it wrong for me to root for overuling the CDC to bite Trump in the ass somehow?

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I’ve heard some people rooting on the side of the virus, because it seems to only kill old people and old people in general suck and are holding society back. I don’t agree with that, I find it despicable, and billions of people getting the flu even if they don’t die will cause a ton of chaos and people will end up getting hurt.

A lot of opportunities for rapid career advancement would open up too.


The second half of option one is to start a pandemic in the americas.

Everyone who was flown back is being quarantined for two weeks here in the states. So, seems unlikely?

Trump’s popularity with his base doesn’t go down until he starts racking up a (white) body count.

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I know there’s a thread for the virus stuff but has Tom Cotton’s hyping of Chinese bioweapon conspiracies come up?

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Are the other 300 people on the plane currently under quarantine?

Neither of these boldeds were in the original linked article. If you’ve got another source which says those things, please post it.

The article simply says that if they didn’t get on the plane they would stay in Japanese hospitals. Also it doesn’t say a second plane wasn’t considered. The article doesn’t mention it. It makes very little mention of the details of the argument between the State Dept and the CDC. Moreover if it wasn’t considered at all, that seems like a problem as well.

Most importantly, can we at least admit that not having the two planes at the ready was dumb and easily anticipated. Or is that too much?