The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Holy shit lol

Care to wager on it?

$50 at evens. Payment via paypal. Quote to book. Offer good for a week. Will probably accept even after that, but just not an auto-accept.

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This guy is pretty good

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Sure. $50 to a charity of the winners choice?

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And there it is. The disinformation is so perfectly executed I’m almost impressed.

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One time let this specifically be the reason it goes wide here.

I guess that’s fine. As long as if you win, I can just ship via paypal and you make the donation.
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In the wee hours of a rainy Monday, more than a dozen buses sat on the tarmac at Tokyo’s Haneda Airport. Inside, 328 weary Americans wearing surgical masks and gloves waited anxiously to fly home after weeks in quarantine aboard the Diamond Princess, the luxury liner where the novel coronavirus had ­exploded into a shipwide epidemic.

But as the buses idled, U.S. officials wrestled with troubling news. New test results showed that 14 passengers were infected with the virus. The U.S. State Department had promised that no one with the infection would be allowed to board the planes.

A decision had to be made. Let them all fly? Or leave them behind in Japanese hospitals?

In Washington, where it was still Sunday afternoon, a fierce debate broke out: The State Department and a top Trump administration health official wanted to forge ahead. The infected passengers had no symptoms and could be segregated on the plane in a plastic-lined enclosure. But officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention disagreed, contending they could still spread the virus. The CDC believed the 14 should not be flown back with uninfected passengers.

Yes, I do think that was a difficult decision. A separate plane sounds good but how long would it take to set up? I wouldn’t blame the Trump administration for making either choice. And many here would blame the administration for making either choice.

Bigots who cry out “but virtue signaling!” infuriate me with their inability to perceive that some people genuinely care about the things the bigots would only give lip service to.

This is a bigot virtue signaling.

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How long do you think it would take? I’m sure you can get a plane to Japan from the US (and there may be closer options - US does have a lot of military bases in the region) within a day. So, leave them in a Japan for one day tops. How hard is that?

More importantly, it seems like something that could have easily been anticipated. If we’re taking a bunch of people off the coronovirus boat, some may actually have the infection. So I suppose you’re saying it’s tough decision only after they made the stupid (and not tough) decision to not have a separate plane for those infected. But even then it’s not tough because competent people ought to be able to get a second plane within a day. Even just flying the very same plane to the US and back to Japan could be accomplished in about a day.

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I don’t have a lot of experience trying to set up flights of medical evacuees with highly contagious viruses, so I don’t have any idea. Sounds kinda hard tbh.


Who knew Trump follows Peter Tatchell and is a fan of gay Bollywood rom-com movies … India >>> South Korea

Apparently Rep. Doug Collins is not interested in becoming the next Director of National Intelligence. Kind of disappointing in the sense that he is high on the list of dumbest mother fuckers I’ve ever heard. He was a perfect choice for this administration.


I see so it sounds like a tough decision because you have “don’t have any idea” what you’re talking about. Surely you realize that even if you think it’s hard, it’s not you (or someone remotely like you) that has to figure it out. I mean we do have a CDC and many other experts whose job is pretty much dealing with exactly this type of shit.

Obviously, this is just you being you. But if you really think that with the full resources of the US govt at ones disposal, there’s no way to get the 14 infected people out in another day, you’re being disingenuous.

Just imagine that they take the 300+ non infected people over. Fly the same plane back to Japan and then pick up the 14 infected that have been chilling in Japan for one day.

That’s probably one of the the least effective ways to do it. Nevertheless, these people were on the boat for a long time. The fact that this wasn’t anticipated well in advance was the dumb decision and it wasn’t particularly difficult.