The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances
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From the Post story on the pardons:

“I’ve worked under both Republican and Democratic administrations,” she said, “and I’ve just never seen behavior like what were seeing right now.”

I feel like this quote could be copied verbatim from any one of a hundred previous (and escalating) stories. It’s a slow boil.

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When Bill Clinton pardoned Marc Rich on his last day it was a big scandal. Rich was a hedge fund tax cheat who fled to Switzerland after being indicted and never returned. His wife gave 100k to Hillary’s Senate campaign.

It was unseemly and did some damage to Clinton’s legacy, but ultimately there was an investigation by SDNY and it was decided no crimes had been committed. Investigation was led by…James Comey. :man_shrugging:

This is why the question in response to M4A of “how will you pay for it” is absurd.

We have plenty of money to pay for all sorts of stuff when people stop pretending the military budget is a magic black hole. Trump still says he had to rebuild the military once a week while he plunders military family housing and schooling to build his wall.

I am okay with just plundering stockpiles of new weapons and equipment to pay for stuff we actually need. I get tilted when economists want to pick apart various M4A programs. He dumb economist why you ignoring the trillions of dollars over here just being wasted.


The Russian spies are getting pretty poor in spy craft.

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That money is being spent to protect our FREEDOM, you commie.

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Priming us for the riggage.


Yep, story checks out.


It was worse than unseemly and if anyone thinks the endless stream of Trump garbage is worse than a giant unseemly pile they shouldn’t white wash Bill. A pardon being legal doesn’t mean it’s not horrible or even impeachable.

He was cheeking the adderall. Had to move it into a swallowing position. Wasn’t able to break it up and snort it so had to suffer through the delayed launch.


Maybe he does, but you have to understand how powerless he is over himself. He’s like Luckbox in the old 22 degen thread:

Around 7 years ago, I went to Prague for 6 days with my mom. The second day I walked in in some small casino, don’t even remember if they had table games there, I think it mostly had machines, slots, electronic roulette etc. I started playing some dice game, big machine, with 3 dice falling in the middle under plastic dome, not sure but I think the game is called sic-bo. Put 500Kc note in the machine ~ $20, went on a rush and won around ~$300.

My last day I had ~ $100 left and was walking around, and some black dude , promoter of a strip club aproached me telling me how awesome the strip club is and offered some weed. Hmm,strip club and weed sounded like a great idea, bought a small bag and headed for the strip club.

The strip club was more like a whore house, basically there were some strippers dancing on stages and most of the stripers just walking, aproaching guys offering sex. So this hot chick comes up starts chatting and tells me we can go upstairs and it will cost me $100. I got super horny after watching them strippers, but I only had around $60 left at that point after buying weed and paying a cover charge. I told her I will be back in less then an hour with the money, and literally ran to the casino to win some money on the dice machine.

I started playing and ran super hot,put $20 in the machine, won ~$60 pretty quikly and had enough to pay the stripper and even get some drinks, and almost cashed out, almost! Then I though it would be a good idea to try to make another $100 to get two girls for thresome. Kept playing, winning all the bets, I just couldn’t ****ing lose. At the peak I had around $900 in the machine, and kinda forgot the reason I came to this place lol, but I just couldn’t stop. Of course my luck stoped and I lost everything I had in the machine, and left the place with $40 but still very horny,so I ended up getting a BJ from bulgarian hooker in a street toilet for $20, instead of a threesome with hot stripers

Now switch Luckbox and money for strippers with Trump and Barr.


He’s against aggressive sentencing for white criminals and in favor of aggressive sentencing for non-whites. It’s totally consistent.


Guns and Butter?
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Lol, Trump doesn’t realize how appropriate those quotes are.

3 hours ago: Arrest every motherfucker who tried to look into my crimes!

Now: Blagojevich was sentenced for merely attempting to commit a crime, so unfair!


Trump is torture for any person who tries to process information in a logical manner.