The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Barr probably figures this is a good time to renegotiate the price of covering Trump’s big ass.

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barr is a true believer. he’ll cover up trump’s crimes because jesus christ is the only way to get into heaven and liberals are dangerously close to criminalizing christianity and destroying christ


I will be an armchair psychologist for a moment, but I think there actually might have been a huge shift in the dynamic with Barr after impeachment.

Leading up to the impeachment votes, Trump knew how much he needed Barr, and Barr knew how much Trump needed him.

That’s done. As Trump has said, he already has all of the power that his AG has and more. What does he need Barr for?

It’s a typical narcissist move. They love you when they need you, but as soon as that’s done, you’re one more person for them to bully, neglect, and discard.

WTF is he doing with his mouth before he drinks? Real question O_o

Trump drinking

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Fuck off Susan.


Trump won’t hesitate to throw Barr under the bus when he needs to, but narcissist or not, Trump has always understood the value of a fixer. Otoh I guess Barr believes he has the goods on Trump (even if that hasn’t helped Flynn, Cohen, Manafort etc. etc.).

As for Barr being a true believer, that may change the kind of demands he makes but not means he uses to get them met.

Trump understands the value of a fixer, but the thing he needed Barr to fix is finished. You could say he needs a fixer beyond impeachment and so will keep Barr around for a while, but that’s generally not how narcissists function, even when they know it might be in their self interest.

It’s very rare for a narcissist to keep anyone around them for a while. The greatest component of their self interest is their ego, the false self they project to the world and demand everyone pretend is real. The longer they keep any one person around, the more that person sees through the facade. Maybe they still play along like a true True Believer, but the narcissist knows something has shifted, and that cannot be tolerated.


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is even one person buying this crap?



The problem is that this will be used to explain why we can’t spend money to fight climate change or do single payer, while totally ignoring this in terms of military spending because our national security is sacrosanct.



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Maybe since Trump is a dipshit he’ll get rid of Barr, but it appears that Barr is the absolute perfect person to be his AG. I don’t think there is a long list of true believers who are also highly competent and able to navigate the DOJ like Barr.

Even Trump must realize that he found the S tier fixer.


Pentagon Official Involved in Certifying Ukraine Aid Leaves
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